Storing fruit

The storage rules for plums depend on their degree of ripeness and variety. Unripe fruits should not be placed in the cold. The ripening process in this case will not happen, but instead of juiciness and freshness, …

Kiwis are classified as fruits that do not have a very long shelf life. Most often they are bought ripe, and the degree of ripeness directly affects the period of preservation of the freshness and juiciness of the fruit ….

Despite the external softness and tenderness, persimmons, if stored properly, can retain their freshness for several months. In this case, we are talking about ripe and unripe fruits….

Mango can be stored for a long time, but the degree of ripeness of the fruit plays a special role. It is better not to try to preserve overripe fruits even for several days. To speed up the process …

The term and method of storage of a watermelon depends on whether the fruit is in a whole or cut. In the second case, it is more difficult to preserve juiciness and freshness. In general …

The shelf life of grapes depends on the variety. The varieties belonging to the category of medium and late ripening are stored longer. These varieties can be distinguished by elastic fruits and dense skin. Depending on …

At home, grapefruit can be kept fresh for up to 10 days. Of the popular citrus varieties, this fruit has the longest shelf life. Room conditions or a refrigerator do not …

The shelf life of apples depends on many nuances. An important role is played by the variety of fruits, the correctness of their collection, as well as sorting. When buying apples, it is impossible to know how they were harvested, so for the implementation …

Pineapples belong to the category of tropical fruits that are not prone to long storage and are susceptible to temperature extremes. To preserve the freshness of the fruit, a refrigerator is used, where pineapples are placed in a special compartment, …

Tangerines can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month when the temperature is right (provided they are correctly selected and fresh enough). The average shelf life of these fruits is ten days….

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