Stories of People Who Beat the Coronavirus. There are thousands of them

More than 1 million people have already been infected with the Wuhan coronavirus worldwide. So far 55 people have died and 132 have recovered. CNN journalists have reached out to people who have defeated the coronavirus.

  1. The COVID-19 coronavirus is still dangerous. The largest disease outbreak in Europe is currently in Spain
  2. CNN reporters reached out to patients who recovered from treatment in China. They tell about the diagnosis and treatment. – When I was in the most difficult moment of my illness, I thought I would die. But I had to deal with this disease and fight – said one of the heroes of the report

Cured of the coronavirus

Of course, most people are cured in China, but Italians, Spaniards, Germans and Iranians are also recovering. For the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the cause of COVID-19, treatment is to relieve symptoms. To date, no effective drug has been found to treat the underlying cause rather than alleviate symptoms.

It is also comforting that 80 percent. cases, the coronavirus infection is mild and does not require complicated hospitalization. The greatest number of deaths is recorded in the age group over 80.

See also: Why does coronavirus kill some and run like a cold in others?

The diagnosis does not scare you, it only calms you down

So far, no specific drug has been developed for the treatment of infection. Despite this, the number of people who have recovered is increasing day by day. A CNN journalist managed to reach two of them. How is diagnosis and treatment recalled by 31-year-old engineer Edison Zhang?

The man and his family traveled around China to celebrate the Chinese New Year. On January 22, the family visited Wuhan and then traveled to Chongqing in central China. The day after his arrival, Edison’s father-in-law felt unwell and went to the doctor. Despite coughing and health problems, doctors decided not to take the man’s nose and throat swab needed for diagnosis.

The next day Edison’s wife felt sick. She was coughing and having a fever. On January 30, after testing her nose and throat swabs, it turned out that both she and her father (Edison’s father-in-law) were infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus. The next day, after the tests, it turned out that Edison and his mother-in-law were also sick.

– If we had performed nose and throat swabs earlier, perhaps not everyone in the family would have become infected – Zhang said in an interview with CNN.

Due to the lack of adequate treatment conditions, Zhang and his family were transferred to a hospital in the city. They were taken to the scene by an ambulance. During treatment, Zhang kept asking doctors about the medications he was getting because he was afraid he was taking medications with long-term side effects. On February 9, Zhang and his father-in-law are released from hospital for 14 days in quarantine. Doctors told the man that almost all of his personal belongings, including clothes and books, had to be destroyed.

Editors recommend:

  1. The number of people infected with the coronavirus is growing rapidly. “It’s a floating prison” [update]
  2. The range of the Wuhan coronavirus [MAP update 18.02.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX]
  3. Discovery of Chinese scientists. Pangolins may be the host of the coronavirus

Zhang was lucky. He is a young, able-bodied man who has been examined and placed under the care of specialists. As he admits, when he heard the diagnosis, he was terrified, but at the same time he felt relieved because he finally found out what was wrong with him. – After the diagnosis, I knew that there was no other option than treatment – he said.

Edison’s wife and his mother-in-law are still in the hospital. The man in an interview with CNN used a pseudonym. He did not want to provide real data for fear of discrimination and social isolation that could face him.

A cold that turned out to be a serious disease

The second person a CNN reporter spoke to was 21-year-old Tiger Ye. The young man was quarantined in a hotel in Wuhan. If the latest coronavirus test is negative, Tiger will be able to go home.

Ye also asked for a pseudonym. According to his observations, he probably contracted the coronavirus during Japanese lessons at a language school near a seafood market in Wuhan. On January 17, he felt that he was “caught” by an illness, but decided that it was a common cold and took medicine. Within a few days, his health worsened, he had no appetite and was feeling very unwell. He took a taxi to the hospital.

– There was a terrible confusion at the scene. A real mess. I checked the map of hospitals on the spot and went to another facility – he said in an interview with a CNN journalist.

In another hospital, without tests, Tiger got a prescription and was sent home. His condition continued to deteriorate. On January 26, he had a high fever and choking cough. He also suffered from vomiting and diarrhea. After visiting the hospital again, Tiger was diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. The man was given experimental drugs to treat HIV and sent home. He was not officially hospitalized. On February 9, as he began to recover, he was placed in a hotel in Wuhan for a 14-day quarantine.

– When I was in the most difficult moment of my illness, I thought I would die. But I had to deal with this disease and fight – he said.

Both Ye and Zhang admit uncertainty is worst about the coronavirus. Despite the fact that Zhang has recovered and tests for the presence of the virus are negative, he is afraid for his health because he has heard about patients who fell ill again.

Currently, mixtures of antiviral drugs and traditional Chinese medicine are used to treat COVID-19 infection. However, there are no studies to prove that the therapy works.

Check also:

  1. When will the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine be developed?
  2. The specter of an epidemic. Is Poland ready for it?
  3. Coronavirus Tests Are Defective? Experts warn

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers

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