Store bread in the refrigerator: methods and recommendations
Hungry times for our country are in the past, but people, for various reasons, still sometimes buy food for future use. Even bread is sometimes purchased by citizens in excessive quantities, and if so, they will want to know how to store bread in the refrigerator and is it worth doing at all?
How much and how to properly store bread in the refrigerator?
Why is it worth keeping bread in the refrigerator?
First of all, you need to understand that you need to store bread in the refrigerator only if you bought it in excess. In general, experts say that now there is no point in gathering provisions for 10 years in advance, including bread. Compare your feelings: which bread is better – stale or fresh, and at what speed does one and the other disappear from the kitchen? But let’s leave the amount of food on the conscience of people. Let’s talk about whether bread is kept in the refrigerator? Of course, yes. But they follow some rules.
1. Bread should not be put in the refrigerator just like that. It must be put in a plastic bag with holes, in a paper bag, wrapped in a cloth (choose one of the methods). At the same time, the last two materials (paper and cloth) are preferable to polyethylene, because they protect the bread from the smells of other products.
2. The term and method of storage. Directly in the refrigerator, bread can lie for three weeks before spoiling. In the freezer – a month.
3. Do not put in the refrigerator bread that has already become moldy. The fungus will eat other foods as well.
Can I store bread in the refrigerator? Why is it better to store bread in a bread bin?
It’s understandable with a refrigerator, but it turns into a bread bin only when necessary. How to choose the right bread storage? Here are some simple rules:
1. The bread box must be made of steel. The metal leaves the bread warm and does not allow foreign odors to pass through. Of course, there are both plastic and wooden bread bins, but they lose to their steel comrades: plastic wears out quickly, and wood quickly damp.
2. In a good bread bin, black and white bread are always separated. Storing black and white together shortens the life of white bread. Such is the wisdom. If a person has already made a mistake and bought an ordinary bread bin, then he will help out a polyethylene bag with holes, in which you need to put each loaf.
3. How to properly care for the bread bin. There is also nothing difficult here: remove the crumbs from it every day. It is essential to keep the bread bin clean and wash it once a week.
In other words, store your bread wherever you want, but keep it clean and tidy.