Storage of greens

Storage of greens

Spinach does not have a long shelf life. Green leaves tend to stay fresh for several days. In order for the spinach to remain juicy and not lose its taste, …

Storage of greens

Only fresh watercress with green leaves should be stored without signs of wilting, yellowing or rotting. If the leaves are difficult, it turns out, to be called fresh, then they will deteriorate very quickly. In some…

Storage of greens

You can store green onions for a long time. However, this process implies compliance with a number of rules. For example, if you rinse the onion and put it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag, then …

Storage of greens

The principle of storing leeks is the same as storing green onions. The refrigerator is the ideal place to store it. Despite the outer density of the feathers, it is quite easy to damage them. Leek…

Storage of greens

Not everyone has the opportunity to pluck fresh herbs from the garden, including dill, and add to their diet. That is why many have to go for dill in …

Storage of greens

Celery roots and stalks contain a large amount of nutrients. Since this plant is quite difficult to find in a store in winter, although it is during this period that the body requires …

Storage of greens

Basil can be stored for a long time only if its leaves are fresh, there are no damage, yellowness or signs of rotting on them. If there are sluggish, yellowed or spoiled specimens in a bunch of leaves, then …

Storage of greens

Sorrel retains its youth and freshness for a rather short time, and therefore everyone who wants to add it to their diet in addition to summer and at other times of the year should …

Storage of greens

Parsley belongs to the category of greens with a long shelf life. There are several rules under which the leaves retain their freshness as much as possible. Parsley is salted, dried and frozen …

Storage of greens

Storing mint has its own nuances that are best taken into account. Mint can be frozen, dried, or simply refrigerated. Each of these methods has its own shelf life and features. Storage at …

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