Summer is already far behind us, it is drizzling more and more often, and the sun’s rays only occasionally delight us with their warmth. Don’t forget that autumn is a deceiving time of the year. Even in spite of a warm sunny day, it gets cool in the evening. It may happen that the next morning after an evening walk, you will feel a slight discomfort, and especially the arising sore throat will begin to disturb. And all would be fine, but it is tomorrow that you need to speak at the meeting, and for the evening you are scheduled to go to the theater with a friend, or, more importantly, you have a date.
This is exactly the situation I got into: finally, a colleague from the commercial department drew attention to me and invited me to dinner in the evening. It was on this fateful day that I caught a cold and a severe sore throat began to torment me.
I tried to gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs, drank fruit drinks and tea with lemon, but the pain and inflammation in the throat is akin to barbed wire: the throat is constricted, it is difficult to swallow, it is impossible to eat. I want to scream in pain, but instead of screaming, we get only a pitiful wheeze. There was a tickle in my throat, my voice became raspy, and there could be no question of any date.
At that moment, when I was already completely desperate, a friend dropped in to visit me. After learning the cause of my suffering, she took out a small bottle of spray from her purse.
– What is it? I asked.
– An effective drug for sore throat
– And what is special about it? – I was interested.
– AT
Read on: Did you have a date?
An effective drug for sore throat Stopangin.
– Hmm … I, of course, did not understand much … but come on. And she thought: how could I forget that my friend works as a pharmacist at a pharmacy? Someone, but she knows a lot about drugs for a sore throat, so she told me that
After instructing me, my friend left. And I, injecting
You ask if my date took place? It took place! And a year after that we got married! Now I am already 6 months pregnant and at the first signs of a cold and sore throat I take Stopangin, because it is safe and can be taken by pregnant women with sore throats in the 2nd and 3rd trimester!