Stop the silly and mean videos that trap children

What do we see in these supposedly hilarious videos?

Parents filming their children when they tell them: “I have to confess something to you. While you were sleeping I ate all your Halloween candy! “

Children who burst into tears, cry, throw themselves on the ground, stamp their feet, children stunned, amazed, saddened, disgusted by the totally irresponsible and cowardly behavior of their parents.

A little girl even tells her mother that she has “ruined her life”! It seems excessive but that’s what she feels.

The success of the videos compiled by the moderator’s team is impressive: last year the video racked up over 34 million views on You Tube and this year’s batch is on the same path.   

Building on this success, Jimmy Kimmel asked parents to film their children as they unwrap their Christmas present at the foot of the tree. But be careful, not just any gift. The super funny thing is that presents wrapped in beautiful Christmas wrappers suck. A hot dog, an expired banana, a tin can, deodorant, a mango, a key ring …

There again, the children are so disappointed that Santa Claus brings them such a rotten gift that they cry, get angry, run away, show in all possible ways how touched, moved, hurt they are …

This is supposed to be funny but in reality it is extremely cruel because the parents it is done to protect the children, not to steal their candy, not to ridicule them on You Tube.

Making your child cry out of play, making him suffer to pass on social networks, is inexcusable. It’s sadistic limit!

Children do not have a second degree, they take everything in the first degree and firmly believe everything their parents tell them.

This trust is the basis of a good education and a secure relationship. If parents are lying just for fun, who are they going to believe, who are they going to trust?

Jimmy Kimmel better keep his twisted ideas to himself!

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