Stonecrop rock (bent) is a compact and unpretentious plant that has unusually shaped leaf plates. It is thanks to its peculiar appearance that it is gaining considerable popularity among gardeners, allowing you to create original compositions in landscape design.
Description of sedum bent
Stonecrop bent (rocky), known by the scientific name as “sedum reflexum”, in Latin “Sedum reflexum”, is an evergreen perennial. The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is attributed to succulents, because its main feature is the creation of water reserves in thick leaves and stems.
Stonecrop root is creeping, so the plant grows horizontally and requires a lot of free space. Over time, the root processes dry out and harden. As can be seen in the photo of the bent sedum, its bushes form a kind of carpet with a height of 15 to 25 cm. The stems are erect, and spread along the ground at the root. Shoots are dense, up to 15 cm in length, creeping and forming loose curtains. The leaves are fleshy, sessile, linear-needle-shaped. Their color can be green, blue-green, yellow or with a pink tinge, depending on the variety.

Stonecrop rock is a common groundcover against which other garden flowers stand out well.
The flowering period is of medium duration and takes approximately 15-20 days. During this time, umbrella-shaped inflorescences are formed from small, up to 1,5 cm in diameter, bright yellow flowers.
At the end of flowering, yellow fruits appear in the form of an elongated box. Seeds are small, numerous, dusty.
Varieties of rocky sedum
Stonecrop rock has many varieties that differ in appearance, color, shape of the leaf plate and are even characterized by some nuances when grown. Many of them are quite popular with gardeners, they are often used to decorate a garden, a personal plot.
Seven unfolded Cristatum
Stonecrop Bent Cristatum (Cristatum) is considered one of the most bizarre because of the appearance. It seems to bend along the surface relief, for which it received another name of its “Cockscomb”.

Stonecrop rock varieties Cristatum used in cooking
Externally, the plant has needle-like fleshy leaves of deep green color, which turn orange-brown in autumn. During the flowering period (from mid-summer) it is covered with yellow inflorescences on tall peduncles.
Sedum of this variety grows slowly, but it withstands heat well and is winter-hardy.
Seven unfolded Blue Forest
Blue Forest (Blue Forest) has a voluminous and very beautiful flowering. The rocky sedum variety itself is undersized, it does not exceed 20 cm in height.

The stems of the Blue Forest rock sedum look like the branches of a coniferous tree.
This perennial grows densely, covering the entire free surface. The leaves are dense, fleshy, with a slight blue tint, densely and evenly distributed along the stem. The inflorescences are spherical in shape, uniting many small yellow flowers.
Stonecrop rock Angelina
Stonecrop bent varieties Angelina (Angelina) is the fastest growing and spreading on a free surface. He is short, only 15 cm in height.

A distinctive feature of Sedum rocky Angelina is yellow-orange foliage.
The bush is very lush and stands out brightly against the background of green plants. In autumn, the leaves become even more colorful, orange-red. The inflorescences are loose, umbellate, the flowers are small, yellow.
Stonecrop Lydian (Glaucum)
The evergreen perennial stonecrop Lydian (Glaucum) (lydium Glaucum), which quickly forms sods, does not need special care. It grows quickly and spreads like a continuous carpet.

Stonecrop Lydian (Glaucum) can grow in both sunny and shady areas
The bush is voluminous, with numerous small stems rooting at the base. The leaves are juicy, with bluish-blue tops and a reddish bottom. By autumn, they completely change their tone to red. It blooms with small white buds, and at the end they become pinkish.
Stonecrop Sandy Silver Crest
Stonecrop rock Sandy Silver Crest (Sandy Silver Crest) is rare, as it grows very slowly. Requires little attention, but moderate watering.

Basically, stonecrop Sandy Silver Crest is grown in pots on the balcony, stairs, terrace
The bush is lush, characterized by needle-like fleshy leaves of small length. New shoots have a lighter color. And under the bright sun, the plant acquires a purple-green hue.
By Si Gold
Sedum Sea Gold (Sea Gold) also belongs to slow-growing varieties. The bush is branched and unevenly creeping along the ground.

Sedum variety Sea Gold is hardy and can survive the winter without shelter.
The bush has elongated leaves of a light green color. In summer, under the influence of the sun, the tops of the stems change shade to pale lilac.
The plant is unpretentious and easily tolerates partial shade. Most often it is grown in pots.
Planting and caring for stonecrop rock
Most varieties of stonecrop rock are undemanding to care for, so they are often planted in garden plots. The planting itself can be done in different ways: by seed, dividing the bush or cuttings.
Selection and preparation of the landing site
A place for planting a rocky sedum should be chosen taking into account its growth. Therefore, the site should be as free and open as possible. It is also worth focusing on the light, since this plant is light-loving, with sufficient lighting it becomes even more attractive with rich shades.
Stonecrop does not have any special preferences for soil, but soddy neutral or slightly acidic soil with good breathability is best suited for it.
Rules of landing
Planting stonecrop rock can be done by:
- sowing seeds;
- cuttings.
Sow seeds in early spring or autumn in pre-prepared boxes. A plant is planted in open ground, observing the following rules:
- first prepare the soil, dig it up, loosen it and remove weeds;
- arrange a drainage layer, after which the surface is leveled and slightly compacted;
- holes are formed at a prepared place at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other;
- planting material is placed in the holes, sprinkled with fertile soil mixed with sand and lightly rammed;
- After planting, the area is watered.
Watering and top dressing
Since stonecrop rock is a succulent, this plant does not require frequent watering. Excessive soil moisture can provoke the appearance of various diseases.
In the summer, rocky sedum is enough to water as the soil dries out, 1-2 times in 4 weeks. Infrequent spraying is also allowed to clean the leaves from dust. In winter, watering should be reduced as much as possible to 1 time per month. If the plant grows in open ground, then in winter irrigation is not required.

For irrigation, use only clean, soft, warm water.
As a rule, increased soil fertility can adversely affect the appearance of the plant. Under such conditions, the stonecrop loses its decorative effect, especially the excess of fertilizer affects those varieties that have a colored color. In this case, the plant acquires the usual green color.
But do not neglect top dressing, because fertilizers are needed during the period of active growth of the plant. For this, it is best to use mineral complex compositions intended for succulents. And just one top dressing for 1 month is enough.
Reproduction of stonecrop rock
Reproduction of stonecrop rock is carried out by seed, cuttings or dividing the bush. As a rule, the first method is very time-consuming and requires a lot of effort. Seedlings grow very fragile and small. In addition, loss of varietal qualities due to cross-pollination is possible.
The most popular method is cuttings, because stonecrop stems take root quite quickly when in contact with the soil. Therefore, not only shoots, but also leaves of the plant are suitable for reproduction.
The selected part of the plant is first dried in the fresh air for about 30-40 minutes, and then placed on the surface of the prepared soil. Lightly cover with soil. Abundantly watered.
Propagation by cuttings is carried out from June to September.
The division of the bush to obtain new specimens of stonecrop is not used as often as cuttings, but this method is no less effective. In this way, it is recommended to renew the plant every 4-5 years. To do this, carefully dig out an adult bush and divide it into 2-4 parts. In addition, each should have new processes and rhizomes.
Diseases and pests
Stonecrop rock is a plant with a fairly strong immunity. It is rarely attacked by insects and is resistant to various diseases. But still there is a danger of plant damage by fungal diseases that spread not only on the roots, but also on the stems and even leaves. This ailment may appear due to excessive soil moisture. To avoid the spread of rot is possible only by digging up the affected bush and destroying it. Instances that can be saved are treated with a fungicide and reduced watering.
Succulent leaves of plants attract some pests, in particular, insects such as aphids, caterpillars, weevils and sawflies are of particular danger.
Against weevils and caterpillars use a decoction of hot pepper. And with a serious invasion of insects, it is recommended to use insecticides.
Stonecrop rock is very diverse and unusual in appearance. Regardless of the variety, this plant will be a wonderful decoration for any garden, backyard, balcony and terrace. Sedum tolerates dry conditions perfectly, does not require careful care and is easy to propagate, so even a beginner in gardening can handle growing it.