Stone oil: what is it and what is it formed from? Medicinal properties, methods of application

Stone oil: what is it and what is it formed from? Medicinal properties, methods of application

Stone oil is a natural product that experts in traditional medicine have been collecting for hundreds of years high in the rocks. Chinese healers call stone oil the food of immortal people. It was from China that the rumor began about a miraculous remedy that was available to the imperial family and representatives of the nobility because of the incredibly high price. In Russia, the extraction of stone oil began on the orders of Peter I in the highlands of Altai. The study of the composition and properties of stone oil continues today. We reveal the secrets of this unique product in order for you to maintain health and longevity.

What is rock oil and what is it made of?

Stone oil: what is it and what is it formed from? Medicinal properties, methods of application

Stone oil has many names – “mountain tears”, “mountain wax”, “white mumiyo”, but most often it is called “brakshun”, which means “rock juice”. In some scientific papers, the product is referred to as “geomalin”.

In fact, rock oil is nothing more than a solid mineral formed as a result of the leaching of rocks. It is mined in the highlands, where there is no vegetation. On the territory of Russia, stone oil is traditionally collected in the Sayans, Altai, Severo-Muisky and Barguzinsky ridges, on the slopes of Khamar-Daban.

Stone oil is a mineral formation that forms on rocky slopes, in grottoes. The color of the brush depends on the auxiliary substances and the concentration of zinc, but in no way affects its quality. Stone oil can be creamy, yellowish or slightly pink, which partly explains the name of the product.

The structure of stone oil is solid. Initially, the mineral is collected in the form of small pebbles, dense layers. Before use, bracshun is ground into a powder that has a sour, astringent taste.

[Video] Where and how is stone oil extracted:

Indications for use

Stone oil: what is it and what is it formed from? Medicinal properties, methods of application

Stone oil is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system. Brakshun stimulates regeneration processes in case of damage to the mucous membranes, accelerates the healing of ulcerative defects, alleviates the symptoms of inflammation, and restores the normal functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

  • Food poisoning. Mineral ions bind to toxins, harmful substances and remove them from the body.

  • Dermatological diseases. Stone oil stimulates skin healing, soothes inflammation, protects against pathogenic bacteria, relieves pain and helps to get rid of itching.

  • Mechanical and thermal lesions of the skin. Minerals of stone oil are quickly included in the mechanism of tissue repair, relieve inflammation, and have an analgesic effect.

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system associated with chronic degenerative processes, injuries. Trace elements of bracshun are absorbed by bone and cartilage tissue, stimulate the synthesis of collagen.

  • Diseases of the urinary system. Stone oil kills the pathogenic flora, alleviates inflammation and suppresses the spread of the disease.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Stone oil ions provide strength and elasticity of the vascular wall, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, stimulate the restoration of damaged cells, and normalize myocardial functions. With the implementation of the antispasmodic effect, a decrease in blood pressure is observed.

  • Endocrine diseases.

  • CNS diseases. Thanks to the action of stone oil, cognitive functions are improved, the transmission of nerve impulses is normalized, and processes in the brain are activated.

  • Broncho-pulmonary diseases. Stone oil softens the course of the disease and prevents its transition to a chronic form.

  • Anemia due to iron deficiency. Brakshuna minerals improve blood quality, replenish deficient conditions.

  • Gynecological diseases.

  • Problems of the male sexual sphere.

  • Pathological processes of the rectum.

  • Dental diseases of various nature.

  • Diseases of the ear, throat, nose.

  • Ophthalmic pathologies.

  • Oncological pathologies at an early stage – stone oil is used in combination with specialized medical, surgical treatment, as an addition to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Often the primary symptoms of the disease are not enough to make a diagnosis. And it turns out that the patient feels a clear malaise, but it is impossible to find the cause and prescribe treatment. It is in this case that it is better to start taking stone oil. After a course of barkshun, the symptoms will either completely disappear or form a clear clinical picture of the existing pathology.

Studies confirm the effectiveness of stone oil as part of the complex treatment of protracted, chronic diseases that are difficult to respond to traditional therapy, exhausting a person, causing exhaustion.

It has been proven that a course of taking bracshuna before planned surgical treatment improves the well-being of patients. Minerals stimulate the recovery processes of the body after surgery, accelerate tissue regeneration.

Regular course intake of stone oil promotes healing and improves well-being in case of:

  • Diabetes mellitus type I and II.

  • Obesity.

  • Symptoms of menopause in women.

  • Micronutrient deficiency.

  • Heavy physical exertion.

  • Chronic psycho-emotional stress.

  • High intellectual tension.

  • Decreased performance.

  • Unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions of life.

  • Recovery after a serious illness and surgical treatment.

  • Prevention of seasonal viral infections.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the trace elements of stone oil help improve skin condition. Replenishment of mineral deficiency contributes to the restoration and acceleration of hair growth.

Instructions for the use of stone oil

Stone oil: what is it and what is it formed from? Medicinal properties, methods of application

The medicinal solution is prepared from purified stone oil, which can be purchased in solid or powder form. When preparing the product, follow the basic rules:

  • 3 grams (1 teaspoon) of stone oil powder is poured into 3 liters of boiled water, cooled to room temperature.

  • The liquid is left to infuse for 2-3 days.

  • The infusion is filtered through several layers of tissue.

  • The solution of stone oil is poured into a glass bottle, closed with a lid.

  • The infusion is kept in a dark, dry place, stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

  • The sediment at the bottom of the jar is not suitable for internal use. It is used for compresses, lotions.

The concentration of the solution can be adjusted depending on the type and severity of the disease.

[Video] Cooking stone oil:

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