Stomach probing

Examination of the stomach has always been a difficult task. In order to assess the state of the mucous membrane and have the most complete picture of the function of the stomach and duodenum 12, gastric probing is performed. What is this diagnostic method? How to prepare for the procedure? What are the indications and contraindications for probing? The answers to these questions can be found by reading the following article.

What is probing and to whom it is prescribed

The contents of the stomach and duodenum are aspirated with a probe and then examined in the laboratory, where the pH of the gastric juice is determined by the titration method. Determining the acidity of gastric juice is important when prescribing drug therapy. The study is carried out fractionally, first on an empty stomach, then after 12 minutes and after stimulation.

The procedure consists in inserting a probe through the mouth or nose of the patient, which then moves into the stomach. This study does not cause discomfort, although it is performed without anesthesia.

Modern medicine has made it possible to use a very thin probe with a diameter of 0,5 cm for this procedure. That is why probing does not bring discomfort. In addition, now one end of the probe is equipped with a small video camera that displays a picture of the state of the stomach and its structure on the monitor screen.

This diagnostic method allows the doctor to more accurately diagnose the patient, detect and prevent the development of various diseases.

With the help of gastric probing, diseases such as gastric ulcer, reflux esophagitis and gastritis with low or high acidity can be detected in the early stages.

In addition, this procedure is used for other purposes. Often the probe is used to administer medications or food directly into the stomach of a patient who cannot do it themselves: premature babies, patients with injuries of the esophagus, face, mouth or larynx pathologies, patients who are unconscious.

Also, probing is often used in medical practice to aspirate poisons and toxins from the stomach in case of its toxic damage. For this, a special type of probe is used.

This type of diagnostics also allows you to identify malignant neoplasms in the early stages and prevent their development, signal any changes occurring in the gastric tissues, and also learn about the structural features of the mucous membrane.

Preparation for the procedure

The most important thing before carrying out such a procedure is to calm down and put your nervous system in order. Excessive anxiety and nervousness will have a negative effect on the contents of the stomach and may cause an unwanted gag reflex.

It is recommended that before the diagnosis, talk with the doctor about exactly how the examination will take place, tune in to a positive effect and stop worrying.

In addition, it is necessary to refrain from eating any food and smoking for twelve hours before probing, so as not to disturb the picture of the composition of gastric juice. The water is drinkable.

If the patient is taking any medications, he must notify the doctor who will conduct the examination. It is not recommended to use antacids, caffeine, atropine and other medications that affect the work of the stomach before this procedure.

Further, the patient is prepared for the procedure already directly in the doctor’s office. To do this, he lies on his left side and covers his chest with a napkin so as not to stain his clothes with saliva. During the diagnosis, saliva is spit out, it is not allowed to swallow it.

A special ring is inserted into the patient’s mouth, which will prevent him from closing his jaw and accidentally damaging the probe. The oral cavity is treated with an anesthetic aerosol to reduce sensitivity.

The probe is inserted directly behind the root of the tongue, and then the patient pushes it deep into the stomach with the help of swallowing movements. After that, it is fixed on the patient’s clothes so that he does not slip deeper.

The free end of the probe is connected to a special pump, which will be used to aspirate the contents of the stomach.

How probing is carried out

This diagnostic method takes quite a long time and can last up to two and a half hours. It depends on the condition of the patient and on the method of the procedure.

Usually it is carried out in a standard way:

  1. First aspirate from the stomach all its contents.
  2. Then, every 10 minutes for an hour, the secretion produced by the stomach on an empty stomach is collected. The fluid intake time is five minutes.
  3. After that, the so-called trial breakfast is introduced into the stomach. It can be a decoction of cabbage, a light broth, or drug secretion stimulants: insulin, pentagastrin, or histamine. These drugs have their own contraindications for use, so a trial breakfast is now practically not carried out. In addition, it does not give the desired reaction of the stomach.
  4. Half an hour after the introduction of breakfast, the selection of secretion caused by stimuli is again performed. The sampling is also carried out within an hour with an interval of fifteen minutes.

Each received portion of the liquid is tested in the laboratory. The smell, appearance, consistency and total amount of the content received are evaluated.

Interpretation of survey results

This procedure is aimed mainly at the study of the secretory function of the stomach. With its help, you can diagnose most diseases of the digestive system:

  • a transparent, non-viscous liquid with normal acidity indicates a completely healthy stomach;
  • the predominance of a yellow or green color in the liquid indicates an admixture of bile, red and brown – an impurity of blood;
  • food residues in the evacuated fluid and an increased total volume make it possible to judge the hypersecretion of gastric juice;
  • increased viscosity of the liquid indicates the presence of gastritis;
  • depending on the content of hydrochloric acid, treatment is directed either to limiting its production, or vice versa to stimulation;
  • the acidity of the stomach is determined: low or high.

Contraindications for the examination

No matter how safe this procedure is, it still has a number of some contraindications for carrying out. Probing of the stomach can not be performed with:

  • stomach bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins of the esophagus;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • stenosis of the esophagus;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • mental disorders.

Recovery after the procedure

The examination, which was carried out according to all the rules by a qualified gastroenterologist, does not require any recovery after it.

After removing the probe, the doctor observes the patient for another hour. This is necessary in order to quickly and effectively eliminate possible negative consequences in which case: injury to the esophagus or stomach.

Gastric perforation or mucosal injury can occur if the procedure is performed incorrectly. In this case, stomach bleeding often occurs. In this case, it is necessary to urgently take a number of actions:

  • intramuscular injection of dicynone;
  • intravenous injection of calcium chloride;
  • blood transfusion (in case of large blood loss);
  • applying ice to the stomach.

Perforation of the stomach requires urgent surgical intervention. However, such complications are extremely rare. The procedure is almost always smooth and painless.

Summing up

Gastric probing is a modern and, probably, the only method for diagnosing the stomach, in which the acidity of gastric juice is determined. You should not refuse such a procedure, since so far there is no alternative to this examination method. An experienced gastroenterologist and modern equipment will guarantee that the diagnosis will be painless and without any negative consequences.

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