Stomach pain after eating and on an empty stomach – causes

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Stomach pain after eating is a common ailment. Stomach pain after eating, but also on an empty stomach, can be the result of a bad diet, poisoning, or a harbinger of disease.

Stomach pain after eating and on an empty stomach

Stomach pain, commonly known as a cramp in the dimple, is a condition that affects both younger and older people. When it occurs right after eating a meal, it can be the result of an inappropriate diet consisting of too many fatty or hearty meals. However, in some cases it is caused by other causes, such as indigestion, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, and even stomach cancer.

This type of pain manifests as a stinging stomach and may be accompanied by heartburn, gas and nausea. It can also be caused by stress, which causes an unpleasant feeling of tightness in the dimple. It is worth knowing that the state of constant emotional tension sometimes leads to the development of gastric neurosis. If stomach pain persists for a long time, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The causes of stomach pain

In some cases, stomach pains may be symptoms of various diseases, and sometimes they only indicate that the eaten meal is difficult to digest. Stomach pains can be temporary or persist for a long time – they manifest themselves, for example, with dull pain or pressure or cramping. Locating the exact source of pain is difficult in some situations – the pain may also occur throughout the stomach.

One of the causes of stomach pain is stress resulting from the fast pace of life and excess responsibilities – the permanent state of tension negatively affects the functioning of the body. Stress increases the level of cortisol and adrenaline, the effects of which contribute, among others, to to increase the risk of developing heart disease. Nervous stomach pains, when they occur frequently, can lead to gastric neurosis.

For stomach problems, try FOR THE STOMACH – herbal tea available on Medonet Market.

Stomach pain can also be caused by dyspepsia (indigestion). These are symptoms that include, in addition to severe abdominal pain:

  1. nausea,
  2. vomiting,
  3. heartburn,
  4. diarrhea,
  5. flatulence
  6. early satiety.

BIEGANKA – fruit and herbal tea, which is worth drinking especially during diarrhea, has a soothing and calming effect on the work of the intestines. It supports digestive processes and regulates the functioning of the digestive system.

We can talk about dyspepsia when a given person has more than one of the aforementioned ailments. The basic examination enabling the diagnosis of the disease is gastroscopy. Gastroscopy is an examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract and is considered to be one of the most effective diagnostic tests – it allows e.g. detection of the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the gastrointestinal tract.

A stomach ulcer can also cause stomach pain. It is a small-size defect in the mucosa accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates and necrosis. Stomach ulcers usually occur in the duodenal bulbs and the lining of the stomach and sometimes in the lower esophagus – a disease that occurs in approximately 10% of adults. Symptoms of the disease include: recurring hiccups, heartburn, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and a burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

Stomach pains also cause infectious gastroenteritis and food poisoning caused by eating contaminated food or food containing bacterial toxins. Symptoms usually appear 24 hours after eating the said food. Such a person suddenly develops symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea (also with an admixture of blood, mucus and pus) and nausea and fever.

Another cause of stomach pain may be acute and chronic (atrophic or non-atrophic) mucositis caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. These bacteria produce toxins that contribute to the atrophy of the stomach lining and lead to the formation of gastric and duodenal ulcers – this type of infection most often occurs in children. Symptoms of infection are also bloating, diarrhea, lack of appetite and acid regurgitation.

Stomach pains, in some cases, can be caused by stomach cancer, which sometimes has the symptoms of conditions such as gastritis and gastric ulcer. Symptoms of stomach cancer are upper or lower abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting (also bloody). When the cancer is diagnosed early enough, it will be possible to undergo surgery to completely cure the disease.

The cause of stomach aches can also be vegetative neurosis. Somatic symptoms of the disease include: abdominal pain and headache, tightness in the chest and dry mouth, as well as organ dysfunction such as the brain, heart, stomach and intestines. Moreover, the vegetative neurosis causes psychotic symptoms. However, before it is diagnosed, the patient must undergo a series of tests, e.g. for cancer and hormonal disorders.

It is worth taking care of your body by improving the digestive process. Thanks to this, unpleasant ailments may subside. One of the ways to improve digestion is a balanced diet supported by supplementation. Natural digestive supplements are available on Medonet Market.

Prevention of stomach pains

Stomach pains can be prevented to some extent by improving the digestive processes. During the meal, it is worth drinking a small amount of warm water, which will improve the absorption of food. It is also worth diversifying your dishes with products such as tomatoes, black radish, celery, prunes, avocado – thanks to them you will not only improve the quality of digestion, but also prevent intestinal problems.

The risk of stomach pains is lower in people who are actively living. The quality of digestion is influenced by regular exercise, which supports the metabolism. It is also worth including protein products in your diet, e.g. nuts, beans, beef and fish. Pregnant women who are concerned about good digestion should avoid citrus fruits that slow down the stomach.

Mint is also beneficial for the work of the stomach and the entire digestive system. Order the ecological herbal tea Mint Garden at Medonet Market, which additionally improves your mood and helps you relax.

Stomach pains after eating

Stomach pains after eating are usually caused by excess gas. This condition is caused by too greedy ingestion of air while eating and speaking. To prevent gas from building up in your gut, you should eat less food and eat it more slowly. It is also worth drinking less carbonated drinks and avoiding food that causes flatulence. The feeling of stomach crushing and pain also occurs after eating fried foods.

There may be many different causes for this condition, so treatment depends on the type of condition you have your bile regurgitation. Disturbances in intestinal motility should be treated by eliminating the causative agent of the disturbance. The therapy should be preceded by diagnostics that will confirm and specify the type of disease we are dealing with. People with pyloric dysfunction may require surgery.

Stomach pains and neurosis

Constant stress and emotional tension cause stomach pains located in the upper part of the stomach. A person suffering from gastric neurosis suffers from indigestion and diarrhea. When this condition occurs only occasionally and is a consequence of strong emotional experiences, it should not be cause for concern. However, it should be remembered that chronic stress can lead to gastric neurosis.

Somatic symptoms of gastric neurosis are dry mouth, acid reflux, heartburn, pressure and a burning sensation in the stomach. You may also have indigestion symptoms due to disturbances in the secretion of digestive enzymes and problems with swallowing. When these symptoms develop, patients usually go to their GP or gastroenterologist – many patients are not always aware that these symptoms are due to stress.

Stomach pains caused by gastric neurosis can be treated, for example, with sedatives and anxiolytics – in this case, however, the supervision of a neurologist is necessary. When the course of the disease is mild, the patient can start the therapy by taking herbal preparations – these remedies have a calming and relaxing effect. The aforementioned herbal preparations are, among others lemon balm and chamomile. We recommend, for example, Pukka Three Chamomile – chamomile tea with properties that alleviate the problems of the digestive system. Also try the special herbal blend in the EKO Gastric Tea. It has a protective effect and provides the body with many valuable vitamins and mineral salts.

A aching stomach can also be treated at home – one of the helpful techniques may be, for example, massages and even relaxation techniques, as well as meditation / prayer. Do not catch up with work during the time you devote yourself to. At the same time, it is worth taking care of a healthy diet and when the symptoms of gastric neurosis appear, give up hard-to-digest dishes that burden the stomach.

A sore stomach and gastritis

Common symptoms of gastritis are vomiting, heartburn, nausea and upper abdominal pain. A aching stomach is a consequence of infections such as Helicobacter pylori bacteria, toxic damage, as well as an excess of aspirin. Liver failure and stress can also cause the disease. People who overuse alcohol or take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a long time also suffer from chronic gastritis.

A aching stomach is one of the hallmarks of the disease. However, to be sure that gastritis has occurred, it is worth having a gastroscopy or x-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, your doctor may also order a test to determine if your acid secretion is normal.

Treatment of mucositis depends on the symptoms of the disease – sometimes it is enough to use medications in the case of hyperacidity. People with erosive gastritis manifested by gastrointestinal bleeding seek medical help. In some cases, it is even necessary to remove the entire stomach.

Aching stomach and ulcers

A aching stomach can be a symptom of stomach ulcers. People with ulcers describe this type of pain as burning and burning. Symptoms of stomach ulcers are also nausea, heartburn, vomiting and belching – the pain is worse after eating a meal. With duodenal ulcer, pain also occurs when you wake up and is relieved by a meal. Even small erosions can cause pain.

The basic diagnostic test that can confirm the presence of ulcers is endoscopy. The test consists in placing a probe inside the body (a flexible tube ended with a fiber optic cable), which enables the illumination of the interior. The test also detects cancers of the lungs, stomach, esophagus and large intestine. When he shows that a fragment of the ulcer is digestive, the doctor may administer drug therapy.

Stomach ulcers are treated i.a. antibiotics and drugs that reduce gastric acid secretion – in many cases, therapy is sufficient and there is no need for surgery. A aching stomach can be alleviated by taking medications to protect its mucosa. It is advisable to give up eating foods that aggravate ailments, such as fruit juices and fatty foods.

A aching stomach and esophageal reflux

Stomach pain, when combined with pressure and compression of the stomach area, may indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease. Symptoms of acid reflux disease are also belching after a meal, a burning sensation in the upper abdomen or lower chest – complaints are most felt when leaning forward and lying down. The person who is sick may also have a sour taste in the mouth and a hoarse voice.

Specialist examinations are needed to diagnose esophageal reflux. The doctor may order, for example, X-ray with contrast, pH-measurement or manometry. Nevertheless, gastroscopy is the main means of diagnosing gastric reflux to visualize the signs of oesophagitis. People who are diagnosed with advanced reflux oesophagitis must systematically participate in follow-up gastroscopy.

Gastric reflux is treated in different ways. First of all, the patient should change their lifestyle and diet – this is why they can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease, and even completely free themselves from them. A sore stomach can also be treated by the administration of antacids or antacids. In some cases, surgery will be necessary.

Stomach aches and pancreatitis

When stomach pains are piercing and radiating all the way to the spine, it could be a sign of chronic pancreatitis. Sometimes the symptoms of the disease show up many years before diagnosis is made, as the person suffers from pain only occasionally from time to time. The acute phase of the disease usually does not go away with the usual painkillers.

To diagnose the disease, it is worthwhile to perform checkups from time to time, e.g. blood tests and checking the level of leukocytes and the enzyme amylase in the blood. Determining whether we are dealing with chronic pancreatitis is possible thanks to imaging examinations, e.g. ultrasound and radiographic examination of the abdominal cavity, and in some cases computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Stomach pains – when to see a doctor?

Stomach pains are symptoms of various diseases. Sometimes they can be signs of serious diseases, and sometimes, for example, overeating. You should see your doctor immediately when stomach pains start to develop at night and you lose weight. Other indications are also: anemia, vomiting and the presence of a tumor in the epigastrium, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Home remedies for stomach pains

One of the proven ways to relieve stomach aches is mint infusion. Mint contains ingredients such as menthol, which soothe the digestive muscles – thanks to them it is easier to reduce gas and gas. To prepare a drink, you should brew a mint bag in a glass of hot water – it is worth doing it regularly, preferably twice a day after a meal. The infusion can be prepared from field mint.

Mint infusion is a natural remedy for stomach pains. Due to the fact that it has diastolic properties, it can soothe neuralgia and pain in the joints. Peppermint should be included in the diet of people struggling with irritable bowel syndrome, as it soothes inflammation. What’s more, it is also a valuable supplement to an easily digestible diet and supports the breakdown of fat in the body.

Another natural remedy for a sore stomach is anise infusion. Anise has a diastolic effect and is beneficial for digestion and assimilation of nutrients. People with digestive problems can drink it. Anise is also anti-fungal and neutralizes nausea. To obtain an anise infusion, pour boiling water over one teaspoon of powdered fruit and set aside for 10 minutes.

Stomach massages are a proven home remedy for stomach aches. Thanks to them, you will improve the work of the intestines. It is worth doing it after waking up – massage your belly with circular movements on both sides, from the bottom up. It is also important to breathe properly – take deep breaths and exhalations. In order for the massage to bring a good result, it should be performed, for example, for 2 weeks.

Chamomile is also helpful in treating stomach aches. It is a plant from which you can prepare infusions, ointments, tinctures and compresses. Its flowers contain a large amount of essential oil rich in, among others, into minerals, vitamins, choline and phenolic acids. With it, you can reduce damage to the gastric mucosa and prevent an excessive increase in blood glucose.

In the fight against stomach pains, it is worth using medical sage, which has anti-inflammatory and diastolic properties. Thanks to it, the intestines do not ferment too much and reduce gas and gas. Sage infusion can be drunk by people suffering from chronic gastroenteritis and digestive problems. It is also helpful in treating diarrhea and stomach ulcers.

The ginger infusion is a remedy for nausea and stomach ache that has been used for years. The drink has an antiemetic effect, as it contains gingerols and shoagoles. It stimulates digestion, enhances digestion and soothes abdominal pain, has an antibacterial effect against salmonella and coliform bacteria, and helps in the treatment of bacterial food poisoning.

How to avoid stomach aches after eating?

Applying the principles of conscious eating will avoid stomach pain after eating. First of all, you should eat slower, that is, slowly chew each bite – after each bite, put the cutlery down for a while and place your hands on your lap. This can be difficult for many people, but over time you can master this skill. Interestingly, the habit will make it easier to get rid of even a few kilos a year!

In order to avoid stomach aches after eating, it is worth avoiding overeating before going to bed. Eating meals after 16 p.m. slows down the metabolism of carbohydrates. People who eat before bed often suffer from indigestion, heartburn and stomach pains – these are ailments that many Poles experience several times a month. In addition, overeating before going to bed can aggravate symptoms caused by acid reflux.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.


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