Stoicism of the XNUMXst century: how to remain calm in a crisis

Stoicism is associated with asceticism and overcoming, but its ideas are much broader. The teachings of the Stoics are especially relevant today, and practice will come in handy in order to learn how to adequately respond to changes.

Stoicism appeared about 2 years ago and received the status of a philosophy of difficult times. As part of the SKOLKOVO. In touch” experts discussed why stoicism is experiencing another heyday today and what ideas everyone can borrow from it.

Sergey Sukhov, author of the telegram channel StoicStrategy, co-founder and CEO of the Delta project:

The principles of Stoicism are difficult to summarize in one short sentence. Possibly, a school of philosophy would be bad if its teaching could be contained in two sentences. But if you try to describe it, then this trend is about relying on the mind, building some kind of inner core. This is a school that offers a certain worldview, a set of ethical principles and what is called a mindset in the modern world, which really allows a person to at least a little more adequately, a little more reasonably go through difficult times, turbulence.

Maxim Zhurilo, creator of the ILoveSuperSport project, graduate of the program, Master in Public Strategy:

I do not draw a direct connection between stoicism and business. Stoicism is a much more comprehensive idea. Thoughts about philosophy come at the moment when you think, are you not living in vain at all? In this context, of course, there is undoubtedly a connection between business as a business and philosophy as a set of principles, practices, and beliefs. But I am not utilitarian about Stoicism, and I study and practice Stoicism not to be more successful in business, but to make my life have some meaning.

I agree with Sergei that it is difficult to express stoicism in some points. But perhaps the most important thing at the intersection of stoicism and business is moral and ethical principles. It seems to me that in developing countries, business is very often associated with something immoral. Unfortunately, in some cases it is something immoral. However, immersion in practices related to moral principles, for example, with such a concept in Stoicism as virtue, allows you to look at everything a little differently: in Stoicism, virtue consists of several specific elements. One of them is wisdom. In relation to business, this means that you look at everything not through the prism of momentary benefit, but from the point of view of long-term effects, long-term good.

Yet the philosophy of Stoicism is not designed to give competitive advantage. It allows you to find a way to live right.

Ekaterina Weber, Director of the Master in Public Strategy Program at the SKOLKOVO School of Management:

I was introduced to the philosophy of Stoicism through William Irwin’s The Joy of Living. Philosophy of Stoicism for the XNUMXst Century. It happened during the pandemic, so I immediately had the opportunity to practice some things, because due to the lockdown, some opportunities for our program were closed, including international and away modules. We understood that everything was in limbo. And when planning scenarios, I always tried to separate what is in my power and what is not. For example, I have no influence on the closing or opening of borders, the possibility of movement, the need for testing or vaccination. Accordingly, all I can do is act on the basis of an analysis of this context. First of all, it helps to keep the mind, not to succumb to panic, anxiety, excessive fuss.

Why Stoicism?

Sergei Sukhov:

Stoicism is, in modern terms, a revision of one’s own model of the world. I propose to look at stoicism as a certain concept that is able to “reflash” our very operating system, a kind of mental BIOS that determines all our reactions. Unlike a very large number of other philosophies, Stoicism offers exercises or practices for this. For example, to divide everything inside the situation into what is in my power and not in my power. To think that things can go wrong is what is called praemeditatio malorum, anticipation of trouble. Remind yourself that everything is ok. To conduct, for example, such a practice as a day without complaints. Just do not complain at all for a day, neither inside yourself nor outside. Our viewers can try not to whine for a day, and they will have a lot of discoveries. Stoicism works with this most basic firmware. Everything else, the whole life of a person is its consequence.

Stoicism 2 years ago developed a certain set of principles that allow you to reflash some of the installations. And what to apply them to – to business, to sports – is the second question. We are talking about a deeper layer, about the foundation. By the way, Stoicism is the most popular philosophical system in Silicon Valley today.

Stoicism is not for everyone. It will be useful to those whose profession is associated with challenges and uncertainty, and will help not to go crazy and maintain common sense and high morality.

You can use the idea that all life is practice. Stoicism puts into this a different understanding than yoga or Buddhism. Why do people often come from Eastern practices to Stoicism? Eastern practices often involve some kind of emptying of the mind and detachment. That is, initially they contain the idea of ​​getting out of social activity. Stoicism takes the exact opposite position. He says: “Your place of practice is society.” For example, business, entrepreneurship.

Maxim Jurilo:

Perhaps there is a correlation between applying the principles of Stoicism and business success. But there is hardly a causal relationship. For the Stoics, money and status are not a key value. Is it possible to become more successful by practicing Stoic principles? At least you can become more resilient. The Stoics have such a concept, one of the key, by the way, in Stoic philosophy – apathy. From Greek, this word is translated as freedom from emotional experiences, dispassion. Passions in business create problems. Can you get rid of them? At the very least, one can strive to do this, and stoicism helps in this.

Stoicism in education and attitudes of adulthood

Sergei Sukhov:

The attitude when “I want”, “I can” and “I must” are the same is the attitude of an adult. At the same time, the “resonates with me” paradigm that is popular today in most cases is nothing more than a manifestation of neuroses and unconscious patterns of behavior. Stoicism says that if you have a role, be kind to fulfill it. Along with the status of a top manager comes not only bonuses, salary and status. At the same time, the same package includes responsibility, stress, employment ten hours a day.

All stoicism is about an adult, very clear position in life, about accuracy. Among the practices there is, for example, a clear designation of circles of care. What in modern interpretation is called the transition from ego-thinking to eco-thinking. Approximately 2 years ago, Hierocles invented it. It was believed that a person grows by taking responsibility for an ever larger system. That is, when a child is born, he can only think about his needs. Then there is some kind of team of friends, then a project, then a company. Then, perhaps, you influence in some way the ecosystem of the planet. But tracking even these circles, the stoics will say: “Please, be as adequate as possible. Are you really influencing it? Can you really make a difference?” The Stoics are pragmatic: can you do it? Go do it. Can not? Track, monitor, if you want to influence – look for a way to influence.

Stoics are people who, on the one hand, have lofty worldviews and high ethical standards, but at the same time they are as mundane as possible.

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