Stimulants – are they all harmful?

Stimulants are substances that do not have any nutritional properties. They stimulate the human body by affecting the central nervous system. In fact, stimulants can also be called coffee and tea. However, stimulants are also more harmful substances, such as: cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and designer drugs.

Stimulants – examples

Examples of stimulants can be really different. Few people know that a stimulant can also be an energy drink. We usually take stimulants for recreational purposes. Usually, we want to use the properties of a specific substance without realizing the side effects associated with their consumption. Even nutmeg, a commonly known and used spice, can be psychoactive. All thanks to the compound it contains called myristicin. We can also consider drugs or drugs as stimulants that change the state of human consciousness to a greater or lesser extent.

Most people use stimulants to relax or cheer themselves up. Initially, they show just such an action. After consuming them, a person is relaxed, has a better mood and greater self-confidence. However, we must not forget that at this point stimulants destroy our internal organs and cause addiction. This is a situation where our body really demands more doses. If this inner need is not satisfied, it causes anxiety, fear and irritation.

Unfortunately, in most cases, addiction is accompanied by an increase in tolerance to the drug. This means that the body wants more and more doses that we have to provide. In the end, there are such effects as, for example, neglect of daily duties and the increasing use of stimulants, despite noticing the negative effects of their use and full awareness of their harmfulness.

Of course, everything is for people, but we must remember that even smoking has many negative effects. When smoking cigarettes, we come into contact not only with highly addictive nicotine. Cigarettes also contain several thousand different chemicals that are toxic. About 40 substances in cigarettes are said to be carcinogenic. Unfortunately, the statistics on smokers are also not favorable. Every second smoker dies of typical tobacco-related diseases. These are mainly diseases of the heart, lungs, and also malignant neoplasms. The average smoker lives about 15 years less than a non-smoker.

Speaking of stimulants, we should also mention alcohol. Moments after consumption, alcohol can stimulate us in some way, but after a while the agitation will turn into slowing down and sleepiness. The symptoms of intoxication can vary and depend on the amount of alcohol consumed. The most common are speech disorders, decreased reflexes, and loss of control over behavior. Unfortunately, chronic alcohol abuse also has a negative impact on our health. This leads to heart disease as well as liver damage. However, when it comes to such commonly known stimulants as coffee and tea, a small amount of them should not harm you. It will be good if we replace black tea with green tea, for example, which is much healthier.

If you want to break away from addictions, try Stop Addiction – a Panaseus dietary supplement that helps to cleanse the body and get rid of toxins from it.

Stimulants – in pregnancy

During pregnancy, every woman should completely abandon the use of stimulants. We must remember that caring for our health then directly translates into the health of our child. Everything we eat has a huge impact on the development of the fetus. Drinking alcohol while pregnant can lead to the development of FAS in the baby. This is called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Unfortunately, there are far more babies born in the world with FAS than with Down’s syndrome. Remember that there is really no safe dose of alcohol that a mother-to-be can drink.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome leads to a mental retardation of the baby. Later in life, such a child may have problems with learning, as well as psychological problems. In addition, there are anomalies in appearance and body deformities. Smoking cigarettes also affects the fetus. The substances in the cigarette pass through the placenta and destroy it. This situation can in some cases lead to a miscarriage, problems with the respiratory system of the baby or even death.

If, on the other hand, a mother takes drugs during pregnancy, she must take into account that her child will be co-dependent. The most dangerous drug is cocaine, which can lead to a heart attack and high blood pressure in the mother. In turn, in a child, we can expect cerebral palsy and deformities in appearance. In addition, children of mothers who took cocaine during pregnancy are very often born with heart, kidney and liver defects.

As you can see, the effects of taking substances considered to be stimulants can be really serious. That is why the expectant mother should consider whether it is worth reaching for a glass. In this case, it is worth thinking about your unborn baby who has no choice.

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