
The hero of the book by the Norwegian graphic designer Stian Hole is a little boy Garman, he lives the last days of summer before school. Three old aunts came to visit, who every summer bring with them «rheumatism, gout and almond cake.» Garman asks them about death, time, and fears.

The hero of the book by the Norwegian graphic designer Stian Hole is a little boy Garman, he lives the last days of summer before school. Three old aunts came to visit, who every summer bring with them «rheumatism, gout and almond cake.» Garman asks them about death, time, and fears. Hole’s illustrations are so unusual that they can confuse parents: why does the artist depict old women in such a naturalistic way — with their wrinkles, chin hair, dentures? Children, on the other hand, are sometimes much calmer than adults when they meet what life itself presents them. This wise book is a good reason to talk with a child about a person who, like everything in nature, blossoms and grows old, and death is not so terrible if life is filled with meaning and beauty.

Mahaon, 2008

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