Stewed partridge and 10 other typical dishes of Toledo that you have to try

Stewed partridge and 10 other typical dishes of Toledo that you have to try

The gastronomy of Toledo is based on strong and forceful dishes, and it is, for those who regularly do gastronomic tourism, one of the most tempting places in the country.

Its dishes, designed to combat the cold winter, have been preserved generation after generation, and stand out for their Moorish, Sephardic and Christian influences, marked in turn by our hunting and shepherding traditions.

So, if you are thinking of visiting this city, either for tourism, gastronomy, or both (as is the case in most cases), let us present you the 10 + 1 most popular traditional dishes of Toledo, starting, of course, for the stewed partridge.

Stewed partridge: the star dish of Toledo cuisine

The stewed partridge is the typical and emblematic dish of Toledo cuisine.

According to the story, this stew was reserved for the locals. But nevertheless, hunting sport made this dish popular among visitors of the place, that, on each visit to the city, they asked for this dish, which caused the restaurants in the area to start preparing the famous “Toledo-style partridge”.

Come on, if you decide to go to Toledo, you have to order this dish, as well as visiting the Castle of Alcázar or the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes. The best time to try them is when they are less than a year old (These are called “pellets” and come from partridge farms).

15 dishes from Toledo that you have to try

The stewed partridge is the star dish. Now, in Toledo you will find many other dishes that are also worth trying.

  1. Garlic soups (Castilian): This dish, traditionally prepared in an earthenware bowl, It is made with ñoras, garlic, oil, paprika and ham, and to this are added the bread and eggs.
  2. Cochifrito: The cochifrito, although it is traditional from Segovia, has also spread to other regions such as Toledo, where you can find it almost in any restaurant. It is made from lamb, kid (goat) and even pork, which first goes through a double cooking (to tenderize the meat), and then is fried.
  3. Cooked with three turns: Another typical soup from Toledo, but this time made with chickpeas and meat, accompanied by vegetables, tomato sauce and pickles.
  4. Rotten pot: Although its name is not particularly attractive, this stew variant, present in Spanish gastronomy since the Middle Ages, is also very popular in Toledo.
  5. Caldereta: In Spain, there are several dishes that receive this name. However, if you visit Toledo and order this dish, the result will be an elaboration of slow-cooked lamb with onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers, pepper and white wine.
  6. Venison with mushrooms or pears: Venison is fried in a pan with melted butter, and, later, flambé with brandy. Finally, add the mushrooms and red wine and cook.
  7. Carcamusas: Carcamusas, another quintessential Toledo dish, is basically stewed meat with tomato, peas and sauce (which is usually somewhat spicy). According to the stories, this dish was the invention of José Ludeña, who created this dish at number 10 of the Plaza de la Magdalena in the middle of the XNUMXth century.
  8. Partridge pate: If the stewed partridge is not enough, you can always order this pork and beef hash kneaded with eggs, onions and spices, baked and covered by a few slices of bacon and bay leaves.
  9. Rice a la Toledo: Rice a la Toledo is basically a casserole of rice with chicken, conger eel, squid and mushrooms.
  10. Trout a la Toledo: And, we finished with this plate of trout marinated in a mixture of vinegar, oil, garlic and spices.

Besides these, other typical dishes of Toledo are cod tiznao, picadillos (fried pork lean), the porridge, the migas or the lean omelette.

In any case, there is no doubt about the gastronomic wealth of this city. And, as usual, we remember that you can find many more recipes like this on our blog

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