Stewed cabbage diet

Stewed cabbage diet

Cabbage is not only a valuable source of healthy carbohydrates, but also a dietary product that helps in the fight against excess weight. To unload the body, it is necessary to consume exclusively stewed cabbage within 3 days.

100 grams of this dietary vegetable contains approximately 20 calories. Therefore, there are a wide variety of diets based on cabbage for weight loss. White cabbage contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body – these are potassium, ascorbic acid and phytoncides. In addition, this vegetable is very useful for people suffering from stomach ailments, gout, joint pain and even colds.

The main advantage of the stewed cabbage diet is that when you feel hungry, you can afford to eat a small portion of this dish at any time without harming your figure. But of the disadvantages of this method of losing weight, it is worth noting the imbalance. That is why nutritionists recommend not sticking to this diet for more than 6 days, but it is best to limit yourself to a three-day unloading.

Three-day stewed cabbage diet

The basis of the diet is stewed cabbage with chicken. To prepare this dish, you will need: – 0,5 kilograms of white cabbage; – 1 carrot; – 1 head of onion – 3 tomatoes; – 0,5 kilograms of chicken fillet; – 2 potatoes; – olive oil; – salt and pepper.

The recipe is as follows: finely chop the cabbage, cut the onion and potatoes into cubes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Grate the tomatoes to use only fresh tomato juice. Finely chop the chicken fillet and fry in a pan with a minimum amount of oil. Add cabbage, onions, potatoes, carrots and tomato juice to the meat. Season with salt, pepper, cover with water and simmer over low heat, covered with a lid for about 1 hour.

Garnish the finished dish with fresh chopped herbs: onions, dill and parsley

1,5-Day Diet Daily Diet: Drink only a cup of unsweetened black coffee for breakfast. For lunch, eat a serving of stewed cabbage with meat. Dine on the leftover cabbage. Drink at least 2–XNUMX liters of liquid throughout the day — pure non-carbonated water, herbal teas, and sugar-free green tea.

For 3 days of the diet, you will get rid of 2-3 kilograms of excess weight

Contraindications to the stewed cabbage diet

This unloading is contraindicated in pancreatitis, thyroid diseases, acute enterocolitis, a tendency to diarrhea and after surgery. In addition, pregnant and lactating women, adolescents and the elderly should refuse this method of losing weight.

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