Steve Jobs: Ten of his favorite tunes

What did the great innovator find in music? It is known that he practiced meditation, which helped him stay creative. It is possible that he also used music to stimulate thought and creative processes.

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For each of us, music means something different. But above all, it can serve as an excellent tool for self-tuning. Research using a tomograph has shown that music activates the work of different parts of the brain. Shortly before his death, during one of the presentations, Steve Jobs spoke about his favorite compositions. Several suggestions as to why he chose these particular tunes.

«Imagine» (John Lennon)

Steve Jobs believed that the high-tech products he created could make the world a better place. And there is nothing surprising that he was inspired by Lennon’s song – where everything is a dream of an ideal world, in which there is nothing worth killing and dying for, where people are not separated by the borders of countries or religion, where there is neither hunger nor greed, where human brotherhood.

«Hard Headed Woman» (Cat Stevens)

This song was most likely associated with Steve Jobs with Lauren Powell, his wife, his ideal woman: a business woman and a philanthropist all rolled into one.

«Highway 61 Revisted» (Bob Dylan)

Energetic and ironic, Dylan’s song is very in tune with the style of jokes Steve Jobs, which he usually showed when he presented his incredible projects to the world.

“Goldberg Variations” (Johann Sebastian Bach)

A distinctive feature of Johann Sebastian Bach (and after him, Steve Jobs) was the ability to achieve almost perfect simplicity even in such complex matters as music or high technology.

«Trucking» (The Greatful Dead)

Like all high-tech executives, Steve Jobs traveled a lot on business. Perhaps this song inspired him and helped him stay afloat in his tiresome wanderings.

«Late for the Sky» (Jackson Browne)

A ballad-thinking about lost opportunities and how to live your life to the fullest. Perhaps, in difficult moments of life, she helped the great innovator maintain balance and a sense of perspective.

«Blue in Green» (Miles Davis)

A classic composition performed by an outstanding jazz trumpeter. An ideal option to relax and unwind after a long and hard day at work.

«Beast of Burden» (The Rolling Stones)

The classic Rolling Stones song about how to remain yourself even when everything around you forces you to change yourself.

«Won’t Get Fooled Again» (The Who)

Of course, Steve Jobs was wrong. But he – and this is the most important thing – did not repeat his mistakes. So the song, whose title translates as “The Second Time You Can’t Fool”, could well become the anthem of his business strategy.

«Blowin’ in the Wind» (Peter, Paul&Mary)

If John Lennon’s “Imagine” is about the world Steve Jobs would like it to be, then this song (written by Bob Dylan) no doubt reminded him of how much more there was to be done.

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