Steroids have an impact on mental health

Swedish researchers have confirmed that there is a link between the use of anabolic androgenic steroids and mental health problems. Their conclusions are reported by the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The study was conducted among 700 men professionally involved in heavy athletics (mainly wrestling, weightlifting and powerlifting) in the years 1960-1979, 20% of whom admitted to using anabolic steroids in the past.

Researchers from the University of Gothenburg, in collaboration with colleagues at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, found that there is a clear correlation between steroid use and the likelihood of depression, concentration problems and aggressive behavior later in life. Men taking steroids were also more likely to use alcohol and drugs.

However, as the author of the study, Claudia Fahlke notes, the symptoms of mental health disorders and the use of steroids are a kind of vicious circle; the presence of one factor increases the risk of the appearance of the other (PAP)

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