Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»
The hysteroid has many friends: both old and new; he constantly expands his social circle, trying to get acquainted with prestigious and influential people, emphasizes the connection with them, doing this not always tactfully. However, it all depends on the mind, upbringing and taste. But taste is taste, and it is necessary to emphasize a prestigious acquaintance. This is done casually:
“Yesterday, Zhenya and I met in Domzhur, he put on such a scarf for himself, you will laugh”.
Zhenya is a famous poet. Proximity to it is indicated by the familiarity of the utterance. The hysteroid emphasizes the connection not only with famous people, but also with the authorities, with the authorities, with eminent foreign guests or even not eminent, but still from distant countries. He arranges meetings with them, feasts, treats them, often at the expense of other, less eminent friends or relatives. By the way, if he has rich and eminent relatives, this, of course, is also used on occasion.
Hysteroid loves holidays, carnivals, street processions.
The paranoid does not give a damn about it, you can work on a holiday, no one interferes, just like at night. And the hysteroid is preparing, coming up with what gifts to make brighter, he himself is waiting for gifts — “surprises”. For a hysteroid, the very word “surprise” is so significant that one such woman said to her lover: “Give me a surprise — give me a necklace,” she forgot that a surprise is an unexpected and unknown gift in advance. Gifts are especially important for a hysteroid, and even more so surprises for the holiday: what a holiday without a gift … And the holiday itself for a hysteroid is also going to the fore, where he will speak to friends and new people, make new acquaintances, try new delicacies.
With friends, of which there are many, the hysteroid loves to chat, discuss with them and condemn others. But this is all in secret, “only for you and no one else,” and in a conversation with another, also “only for you and no one else,” and so he will discuss everyone with everyone. He himself told him in secret, confidentially, conveys to the one about whom it was said. And since the circle of his friends is wide, the one about whom he spoke badly becomes aware of this, and since it is pleasant for the hysteroid to talk about others badly, his relations deteriorate with many. But now he changes his social circle, and at first everything goes well, and then — according to the same scenario. When the circle is closed, when “all the songs have been sung”, when the hysteroid has shown all its positive aspects and they have ceased to admire it, then it goes into another circle.
The hysteroid moves from company to company, in each of which it quickly makes an impression, but due to the lack of true depth, philosophy inherent in the psychasthenoid and schizoid, or genuine efficiency inherent in the paranoid and epileptoid, interest in him soon disappears. If, however, this is a beautiful woman, then interest in her can be maintained at this expense. And if it is a man, then interest is quickly lost, as more demands are placed on a man in terms of intelligence and business qualities.
But still, companies without a hysteroid are unthinkable, this is a bright person, he, as already mentioned, is the “highlight of the program” and the “star of the season”. The hysteroid is easy-going if he is called to a new company. “Let’s go,” and he goes, if where he is called, they will raise him in the eyes of the public: “You will sing there, they want to listen to you.”
The reason for his going from company to company is that in a new company one can show off the old stock of knowledge and outfits. After all, the hysteroid always wants to be in the spotlight, but in order to remain in the spotlight in the old company, you need to acquire and present something new, and this requires serious effort, for which it is not enough.
For example, he has already sung all the songs in the old company, and people are already fed up with them, and learning a new one takes several hours of work. And in order to earn money for a new elegant thing, in general, a lot of time and effort will be required.
But then you changed the company — and you shine again.
However, a gathering of hysteroids with the slogan «have not seen each other for a long time» is often practiced. Indeed, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but someone whistled — “and now a moth flies into the flame” (not the one in Giordano Bruno’s “he doesn’t think about his death”, but the one in Leonid Martynov’s Sunflower: “Those moths pushed and tumbled, knocking pollen from each other’s wings … «). By the time of this meeting, the outfits had just changed, something, even with the laziness and idleness of the mind, had accumulated, new songs were learned, entertaining information was collected from various other companies … And now: “Oh, you know what I will tell you, you will laugh … »
The hysteroid loves to promise a lot, by this he also attracts people. But he is unreliable in his promises: he lies from three boxes, promises, but does not fulfill anything, because more serious efforts are needed, for which he is not enough. Moreover, he will always find an excuse for himself, often fantastic, but sincerely and believably presented.
I had a friend, “a hysteroid by profession”, he was not seen for three years, suddenly he arrived, fell on his head, I washed him, fattened him, and he entertained me with colorful stories. Among them was this.
He, they say, lost completely in the casino, and the one who beat him invited him to Belgium to his castle there, and now he is his first assistant, “do you want me to make you the second first assistant? True, I will, he needs someone like you.
He calls in my presence, they say, there is a “first class” man, a scientist with life experience, just don’t refuse right away … The day, hour, place, uniform are appointed, we drink to the success of the enterprise (I also drank, why not, because for the success ) … But neither on the appointed day nor the next my friend does not appear, but appears only a week later, dejected, and we drink again, only for the repose of the soul of his benefactor, who, wow, moved from the Mercedes to » six «and, unable to cope with the unusual control for him, crashed along with his mistress, so they could not identify …
He also justifies betrayal easily: you, they say, wanted it yourself.