Sterilizing bottles in a double boiler
Many housewives have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of a double boiler. And these advantages are not limited only to the fact that you can cook delicious and healthy dishes in it. The steamer is a great tool for sterilizing dishes.
Sterilize bottles in a double boiler
How to sterilize canning jars in a double boiler
Home-made canned preparations are still popular; in the fall, housewives begin harvesting vegetables and fruits. Despite the fact that during the canning process, jars can be repeatedly poured with boiling water, they still need to be sterilized first. The most popular method is steam sterilization; for this, the jar was placed on a special stand over a pot of boiling water and kept over steam for 15–20 minutes. Banks were sterilized one by one, the procedure took quite a long time. With the advent of steamers, the process has been simplified – the canning dishes should be thoroughly washed, placed in the steamer, turned upside down, and sterilized for 15 minutes.
Sterilizing baby dishes in a double boiler
Artificial feeding is a lot of hassle and is complicated by the fact that baby dishes, bottles and nipples must be sterilized before each use. Especially this requirement must be observed in the first year of life, when the child is most susceptible to various kinds of infections, fraught with the most serious consequences. Only after sterilization of children’s dishes became a mandatory requirement for newborns and children of the first year of life, the number of cases of gastroenteritis, a dangerous disease fraught with death, sharply decreased.
The industry produces special mini-units for sterilizing baby dishes. Their disadvantage is the cost and the fact that after a year the need for such a device already disappears.
Before the advent of steamers, children’s dishes were sterilized over steam or calcined in ovens before each feeding. This procedure also needed constant monitoring and did not allow my mother to leave the kitchen, she had to constantly come up and check how the process was going. An additional advantage of steamers is the ability to process bottles and nipples in automatic mode, without being distracted from other things for this.
You can sterilize baby dishes in special microwave sterilizers. But you cannot put metal objects in them.
You can use any steamer for sterilization, regardless of its type – electric or a pan with insert sheets installed on the stove. Pour water into the steamer, place a cleanly washed bottle with the neck down on a stand with holes, place a nipple next to it. After the water boils, sterilize the dishes for 15 minutes. Wait for the bottles to cool, wash your hands and remove them from the steamer, being careful not to touch the necks with your hands.