Sterilizing baby nipples

Sterilizing baby nipples

The rules for caring for newborns are adamant: in the first months of life, the child must live in an environment that is close to sterile. So, for example, baby pacifiers should not be reused, licked by an adult, or given to a baby if it falls to the floor. They must be sterilized before use. And there are not so few ways to do this.

The requirement to sterilize baby nipples makes sense. After all, there are a lot of bacteria on the floor, sofas and other surfaces, many of which are pathogenic (and the quality of cleaning has nothing to do with it). The baby’s immunity is not yet ready to resist all these microbes. Therefore, it is worth helping the baby gradually adapt. This means that it is worth actively sterilizing the nipples while the baby is still in the crib.

The easiest sterilization method that is available to everyone, be it a man, woman, or grandparents. To sterilize the pacifier, put water in a small saucepan and put it on fire. When it boils, dip the nipple in it and simmer for a couple of minutes. Everything, the nipple is disinfected.

Do not be afraid that the nipple will not withstand such high temperatures. Pacifiers are made of materials that are designed specifically for sterilization and boiling

You can save time by using a steamer to sterilize the pacifier. Pour water into the bottom, place the teat on one of the levels and turn on the appliance for 2-3 minutes. The teat will quickly become sterile under the steam.

Alternatively, you can treat the nipples in a special bottle sterilizer. In such devices, the pacifiers are disinfected under an ultraviolet lamp. This method, on the one hand, is more convenient in that you do not need to bother with water – pour, pour, dry the device. On the other hand, the ultraviolet lamp also has an additional bactericidal effect.

In case you need a nipple urgently or you just don’t really want to suffer with all the constructions for sterilization, you can just turn on the kettle, wait for it to boil, and hold the nipple over the steam.

Experts say this is not 100% germ-free. However, sterilizing a pacifier like this is better than nothing at all.

There is also an option to sterilize the nipple in the microwave. But only it is not suitable for every type of pacifier. Therefore, be sure to read the information on the packaging so that you do not accidentally send something that is not intended for it into the microwave. Otherwise, you risk getting an extremely unexpected result.

What to consider when sterilizing a nipple

For newborn babies, new nipples are usually bought (and not used those that are inherited). They are usually either rubber or plastic. Remember that you can sterilize rubber in any way convenient for you. But with plastic ones it is more difficult. Not all methods can be applied to them. What kind of sterilization methods are suitable for such nipples, it is better to consult with the sellers or representatives of the manufacturer.

Before the first use, be sure to prepare the pacifier. Preparation includes washing the teat in a soapy solution, followed by sterilization in accordance with all the rules. And you can’t wait with it.

The main question that arises for young mothers is how long it takes to ideally boil the nipple and whether 2-3 minutes will not be enough. Experts assure that this time will be quite enough. The bacteria are not viable enough to last even a minute.

How many mothers think that this process – nipple sterilization – will continue indefinitely. However, in fact, everything, including this, passes rather quickly. And after that, even the warmest memories of these endless boils remain.

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