Sterilized woman accidentally became pregnant with triplets

Such is the power of romance.

People meet, people fall in love, quarrel. Something like this will look like the story of Charlie-Ann and her boyfriend Ryan, if we paraphrase the legendary song. Young people have been in love with each other since childhood. As they graduated from school, matured, began dating. In general, everything was good, Charlie and Ryan had three daughters – eight-year-old Cassie, seven-year-old Kyra and five-year-old Sienna. And then autumn came in the relationship of parents with many children. 

“We decided to take a break because we were clearly going through hard times. Live separately, take a break from each other, ”explains Charlie-Anne. 

However, rest is a rest, and no one canceled the children. Both were still involved in the upbringing of the three young beauties. And one day, having come to Charlie’s house to see his daughters, Ryan decided to stay – well, why not, the family is all the same. The next morning he left, and life went on as usual: dad meets with his daughters, spends the night at his place. 

But a month later, Charlie realized that she felt somehow strange. On the one hand, it is painfully familiar – a mother with many children still knows how pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages. On the other hand, after the birth of her third daughter, Charlie was sterilized. Both fallopian tubes were cut, which means that she could not have any more children. Or could it? 

Nature just laughed in Charlie-Ann’s face: when she went to the doctor, he confirmed that she was expecting a baby again. More precisely, children. The woman managed to conceive triplets! 

“The doctor said that it is very rare to conceive triplets naturally. This usually happens as a result of IVF, when several embryos are transplanted at once. I was shocked twice – first by the fact that I got pregnant at all, then – when I found out how many children I will have, ”says Charlie. 

Having learned the news, the woman decided to call her ex. Well, yes, they lived separately for so long that it was no longer possible to call their union relations. Ryan was simply speechless. He could not even imagine that one single night of passion would turn into such a surprise. 

Despite the shock, Ryan behaved very dignified: he supported Charlie, moved in with her and tried to do everything to make her pregnancy as easy as possible. So the couple was reunited. 

Pregnancy was risky: due to the multiplicity of pregnancies, the potential risks are much greater both for the mother and for future babies. All was well until week 29, when Charlie-Anne started having labor. They managed to be stopped, but from that moment the girl had to lead the life of a crystal vase, take care of herself in order to avoid the danger of premature birth. And at the 33rd week, the babies in the womb suddenly stopped growing. Charlie-Anne had to be sent for an emergency caesarean: the doctor decided that it was too dangerous to continue carrying the pregnancy. 

“I’ve always wanted a son. But still she decided to sterilize, because giving birth to a fourth was already too much. Now I have two sons, ”Charlie smiles. 

Two boys and a girl were born. True, they had to spend several weeks in the hospital: firstly, the babies were born very small, weighing about one and a half kilograms; secondly, they had an infection and therefore needed antibiotic treatment. 

“It now takes me 8 hours a day just to breastfeed,” says Charlie. – We have to buy all things for babies in triple copies. I get up at four in the morning to keep up with everything. And bathing the twins is like a military operation. Fortunately, the older girls are very helpful. I couldn’t have done it without them. “

Well, the question of parting with Charlie and Ryan is no longer there. They already have something to do.  

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