Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

In order for the blanks for the winter to stand for a long time and not deteriorate, it is necessary not only to wash the container, but also to sterilize both jars and lids. Lids are different, so not everyone knows how to properly sterilize them. Let’s find out why it is so important to sterilize and how you can do it.

Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

The Importance of Sterilization

Even clean lids are not sterile. They can contain a huge number of different microorganisms. These bacteria can ruin the workpiece. But the worst thing is that they are often very harmful to human health. More precisely, not they, but the products of their vital activity. These toxins are toxic substances that can cause quite severe poisoning. Of course, no one wants to take risks, so all the necessary devices are sterilized before seaming.

Attention! Canning lids must be free of damage and rust.

Screw caps can be coated with paint. Such a coating should also not have any damage. Because of them, the process of corrosion can begin, which will adversely affect the workpiece itself. Before sterilization, both containers and lids must be thoroughly washed. For this, it is better to use the most ordinary soda. After that, everything is thoroughly washed with water and put on a towel to dry.

If jars can be sterilized by any convenient means, then this will not work with lids. For example, in general, you can’t put metal objects in the microwave, the lids can burn out in the oven, and the plastic ones will completely melt. To avoid mistakes, let’s look at how to properly sterilize.

Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

Sterilization Options

The main thing in the sterilization process is that it is of high quality and does not require a lot of costs. Here are some of these methods:

  1. Boiling. This is the most ancient, but very effective method. So, our grandmothers did and continue to do all modern housewives. To do this, simply pour water into a container and bring it to a boil. Then the lids are lowered there and boiled for 2 to 15 minutes, depending on the material from which they are made. Metal ones boil longer, but plastic ones are kept in water for a very short time, as they can melt or deform. You need to be very careful when removing tools from boiling water so as not to burn your fingers. To do this, use special tongs. A procedure is carried out before closing the blanks. But, after boiling, they will first need to be dried on a towel and only then used.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

  2. The second sterilization option is only suitable for metal lids without rubber bands inside. They can be quickly and easily heated in the oven. The time to sterilize the screw cap is at least 10 minutes.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

  3. Some housewives do not sterilize caps by heating them. They simply place them in a solution of manganese, alcohol or furacilin. It is very convenient and simple. And most importantly, absolutely any lids (glass, metal and plastic) can be disinfected in this way.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

It is now fashionable to sterilize lids using multicookers and double boilers. This is also very convenient, but not everyone has these devices. But every housewife will definitely find ovens and pots. These methods do not require much time and effort, as well as additional costs.

Choice of lids for conservation

Usually, housewives use the simplest tin lids for preservation for the winter. They are inexpensive and suitable for any blanks. But you need to take a responsible attitude to their choice so that all the work is not in vain. Tin lids must have a special lacquered coating both outside and inside.

No matter how successful the recipe for the preparation is, improperly closed jars can ruin everything. It is very important that the seal is not broken. And most importantly, jars and lids must be sterile clean. They should not have any damage or chips. How to make the right choice?

There are several types of conservation lids that are most in demand:

  1. Glass. Some believe that such devices have already “outlived” their own and are no longer in demand. However, they are very practical, environmentally friendly and safe. Many housewives still love to use them. You don’t even need a seaming machine for these lids. They are reusable, so they save money. Each has a special clip with which it is attached to the jar. It is a pity that such a product is now rarely found on store shelves.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

  2. screw cap also does not require the use of a seaming tool. It is disposable, but many housewives often reuse it. It needs a suitable jar with a special screw thread. It is very convenient to use it, but still not everyone will be able to twist it correctly. Often they warp, which can cause air to enter the workpiece. In addition, not everyone will be able to tighten such a cover with the necessary force. Also, it is not suitable for all types of conservation. For example, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables should not be covered with them.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

  3. In addition, conservation can be closed polyethylene lids, but not ordinary, but special plastic (or nylon), which are intended for blanks. They are quite tight and just like that, the jar will not fit on the neck. Therefore, they are preheated for about 3 minutes at a temperature of at least 80°C.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

  4. And the most popular tin disposable lids. They can be rolled up only with the help of a special machine, but this does not upset the housewives and they use them very actively. They can roll up any conservation. In addition, they are inexpensive and are sold in almost every grocery or hardware store. But even they should be chosen correctly.

    Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

Choice of tin lids

At first glance, tin lids are not much different from each other. But there are 2 types of them (yellow and gray). The gray lids are uncoated, while the yellow lids are coated with a special lacquer. Such a coating protects the workpiece from oxidative processes that may occur due to contact with the marinade. More precisely, not with the marinade itself, but with the vinegar that it contains. This is especially important when seaming pickled vegetables.

Attention! The lid must have a lacquered coating not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Such a coating can be mother-of-pearl or silver.

Sterilization of caps: with rubber bands, nylon, plastic, screw caps 

A distinction is also made between aluminum and tin lids, which are very similar in appearance. You can only tell them apart by holding them in your hands. Aluminum is much softer, and tin is heavier. Remember that a quality product should not be too light. The rubber in a good product fits snugly to the surface, and also has at least 2 stiffeners.


As we have seen, jars can only be rolled up with sterilized lids. It’s safe and secure. It doesn’t matter what kind of lids you use (screw-on, plastic or tin), they still need to be processed with steam or hot air.

How to sterilize jars and lids

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