Steppers and climbers simulators – what is it and how to use it for beginners

Steppers and climbers – what is it, purpose, features of simulators, how to use it correctly for beginners?

Steppers and climbers belong to the category of ladder-type cardio equipment, demonstrate high efficiency, are suitable for users of any age and with any level of training, can be used for exercising in the gym and at home.

Training on them imitates intensive climbing steps, which allows you to work out several muscle groups at once. And a large selection of models makes it possible to choose the simulator that is optimal in terms of technical characteristics.

Features and benefits of steppers

The steppers and climbers that exist today are structurally functional monoblocks with handrails. Steppers are equipped with pedals, which can be dependent or independent, and climbers look like compact stairs with steps. Such simulators are classified according to:


  • Standard – full-size models that allow you to optimally distribute the load, but take up a lot of space, are used in gyms.
  • Compact – “mini” format simulators, designed for use in confined spaces, can be used at home.


  • Mechanical – work due to the user’s muscular efforts, and the effectiveness of training on them depends on the duration of the session.
  • Electromagnetic – resistance in such models is due to magnets, which expands the range of use of simulators, allows you to adjust the speed and rhythm of the user’s movement.

Functionality and equipment

  • Classic – imitate climbing stairs.
  • Balancing – equipped with a movable platform, allow you to work out the muscles of the press, require good coordination of movements.
  • Swivel type – in their design there is a swivel stand, which makes it possible to work effectively not only with the legs, but also with the body.
  • Elliptical – complemented by movable arms and platform, suitable for full-fledged functional training.

Among the advantages of climbers and steppers

  • Simplicity of a design and convenience of operation.
  • Versatility – they are suitable for both professional athletes and beginners.
  • Possibility of use in rehabilitation programs, weight loss, preparation for competitions and extreme loads.

Important! Contraindications for classes on the stepper are serious diseases of the spine, heart, liver, kidneys, arterial hypertension of the III degree, 2-3 trimester of pregnancy.

What muscles work on the stepper?

Like other cardio equipment, steppers and climbers are primarily intended for general strengthening workouts that increase body endurance and pump the cardiovascular system. But they also allow you to qualitatively work out several muscle groups, including:

  • buttocks – the storm of flights of stairs acts on them no worse than squats;
  • muscles are a problem – by changing the technique of climbing steps, you can increase the load on the front, back, side or inner side, which will allow you to get rid of body fat (including the notorious “riding breeches”!) And increase muscle tone;
  • calf – a constant uniform load will help to form a beautiful muscle relief;
  • abs – the abdominal muscles will help strengthen rotary models with a special stand;
  • arm muscles – to work with them, you need a stepper with levers.

In addition, climbers and steppers help develop and improve coordination, which turns training on them into a functional one.

Important! Stepper workouts are often used for weight loss. But in this case, the duration of the exercise on the simulator should be at least 40 minutes, since the fat burning process is activated only half an hour after the warm-up. And with properly constructed workouts, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​per month.

Stepper training: exercises for beginners

Steppers and climbers are rightfully considered ideal trainers for those who are just starting to do fitness. For such users, instructors recommend starting with classic stair climbing, and then moving on to the following exercises:

  1. Lifting step with the transfer of body weight to the heel – Performed to strengthen the gluteal muscles, and handrails are used as insurance.
  2. Climbing sideways, moving along the steps with side steps – Allows you to work out the lateral muscles of the thigh, performed first with one side, and then with the other.
  3. Pigtail lift – When the stepping leg, when transferring body weight, adjoins the heel to the toe of the other leg. Strengthens the muscles of the inner thigh.
  4. Back lift – Improves coordination of movements, and in order not to fall, you should hold on to the handrails.

The stepper allows you to organize an effective and safest workout, which increases the interest in such simulators from beginners. And in order to achieve good results and avoid injuries, at first it is better to do it under the guidance of an instructor.

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