
The most famous horror writer in the world, Stephen King, has faced many trials: fatherlessness, poverty, addiction to alcohol and drugs, a car accident. Maybe that’s why his books are not only an exciting read, but also an excellent guide to getting out of addictions, depression, panic attacks. Psychologies has selected some inspirational quotes.

Good ideas literally come from nowhere., fall directly on your head from a clear sky: two completely separate thoughts cling together, and something new appears under the sun. Your job is not to look for these ideas, but to recognize them when they come up.

If there is someone who believes in you, that’s a lot. Those who believe do not need to speak. He believes that is enough.

Don’t quit your job just because it’s hard. Sometimes you have to keep going even if you really don’t feel like it, and sometimes you get a good job even when it feels like you’re shoveling shit with a shovel while you’re sitting.

Monsters exist and so do ghosts.. They live inside us and sometimes they win.

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Writing very often means getting rid of fears and unnaturalness.. Writing is filtered thinking.

Where there is no joy, it is not good. It is better to do something else, where the deposits of talent are richer and the share of pleasure is greater … If you find something that you are talented at, you will do it until your fingers bleed or your eyes start popping out of their sockets. Even if no one is listening (not reading, not watching), each such action is a bravura performance, because you, as a creator, are happy.

Dialogue is an art that is best given to those who enjoy talking to people and listening to them, – especially listening, perceiving the accents, rhythms, dialects and slang of various groups.

Even the best of us get into a stupid position.

The best way to learn is by reading a lot and working hardand the most valuable lessons are the ones you teach yourself.

If you can do something for pleasure, then you can always do it.

Hope is a good thing, and good things don’t die.

In the end, it was my wife, Tabby, who took the lead, as she often did at critical moments in my life. I would like to think that I also did this for her from time to time, because it seems to me that one of the things marriage exists for is being the deciding voice in stalemate situations where you don’t know what to do next.

The scariest moment is just before the start.. After that, it can only get better.

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