Stephen Hawking: biography, interesting facts, video

Stephen Hawking: biography, interesting facts, video

😉 Hello friends! In the article “Stephen Hawking: biography, interesting facts” – about a unique cosmologist, British theoretical physicist and popularizer of science.

Stephen William Hawking came to this world on January 8, 1942. Place of birth: UK, Oxford. Zodiac sign – Capricorn.

Stephen Hawking’s biography

At school, the future genius did not shine with knowledge. In the second grade, he was the worst of the students. My favorite subjects in high school were physics and mathematics.

In 1962, Steve graduated from Oxford University with a bachelor’s degree. Then he continued his studies at Cambridge. Four years later, he brilliantly defended his Ph.D.

Stephen Hawking: biography, interesting facts, video

Terrible diagnosis

Hawking was a healthy child as a child. In his youth, he went in for sports and was not bothered by any ailments. In his last year at Oxford, Steve began to feel himself becoming awkward. He fell frequently.

After a medical examination, a terrible diagnosis was made: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Doctors assumed that the young man would live no more than two years. So Stephen ended up in a wheelchair.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an incurable and slowly progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system. Leads to paralysis of the limbs and muscle atrophy. Human death occurs from respiratory tract infections or respiratory muscle failure.

Friends, imagine the state of a young man who knows that very soon his existence will end! And nothing can be fixed! Unbearable…

Most would not have the desire to fight an incurable disease and would lose heart. Steve’s hands dropped from paralysis. But the brain did not give up. “No matter how hard our life is, while it is, there is hope.”

He suffered the second blow of fate at the age of 43. After pneumonia, he underwent a tracheostomy (tracheal dissection operation). He could no longer speak independently.

Friends installed a speech synthesizer on his wheelchair. Throughout Hawking’s body, only the facial muscles of the face remained mobile. Opposite it is a sensor with which Stephen Hawking controlled the computer and communicated with the world.


World fame and popularity of the cosmologist was brought by his book “A Brief History of Time” (1988). The main specialization of the scientist is cosmology and quantum gravity. The genius made many discoveries in the theory of black holes.

The professor gives scientific lectures all over the world and jokes a lot. Students love him. Stephen Hawking is an atheist and does not believe in the existence of God.

Personal life

Mr. Hawking has been married twice. The first wife is Jane Wilde. They got married when Stephen was 23 years old. Just at the time when it was no longer supposed to be (according to the doctors’ prediction).

Stephen Hawking: biography, interesting facts, video

Stephen and Jane’s wedding

It was Jane who managed to restore his faith and strength to fight for his life. She made him a loving husband and a happy father. They had three absolutely healthy children: two sons and a daughter. This marriage lasted 25 years. Then they parted.

Nurse Elaine Mason became the second wife. After 11 years of marriage, they divorced.

Death of Stephen Hawking

In the early morning hours of March 14, 2018, Stephen passed away at his own home in Cambridge. At the age of 77, he left peacefully and calmly. On June 15, 2018, after cremation, he was buried in Westminster Abbey in London. The scientist has many awards, all of them are countless!

His computer shut down. “I see the brain as a computer that stops working when its parts become unusable. There is no heaven or life after death for a broken computer. This is a fairy tale for people who are afraid of the dark. ” S. Hawking

  • “First, do not forget to look at the stars one day, instead of usually looking at your feet.
  • Second: never quit what you started. Work gives you purpose and meaning. Life without her will become empty.
  • Third: if you are lucky and you find your love, remember, you really found it, and you shouldn’t throw it around. ” S. Hawking


Stephen Hawking: biography, interesting facts

Hawking 2013 in Russian

The incredible life of this person, willpower, faith, hope delight many. Whiners in life should be ashamed. This story proves again that the main thing in a person is not a beautiful body, but his positive attitude to life and the spiritual world.

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