Step by Step Guide to Kundalini Meditation: Osho

Hello dear readers! Kundalini meditation, from Osho, is considered one of the most effective transformative techniques.

It helps to clear the unconscious of a person from the accumulated negativity, unnecessary attitudes, fears and emotions that interfere with him, which for some reason he could not show and decided to keep inside himself.

What it is?

Kundalini is a spiritual energy hidden in the bowels of our body. Represents love, true, sincere and unconditional. It looks like a rope, which consists of energy threads and runs along the entire spine.

We mainly take care of our physical body, that is, satisfy our physiological needs. We eat, sleep, drink water and so on. But Kundalini nourishes our thin shell. It is she who is the life-giving force that gives the desire to live, create and act.

Often it seems to be blocked, but if you release it, you can access the Universe. Rising along the spine, it passes through the chakras, filling them, enters the limbic zone of the brain and leaves the body through the area that is located in the crown. After that, it connects with space.

Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh and Acharya, or simply Osho is a spiritual leader from India. It was he who developed this meditation, which allows you to relax and relieve stress. He called it simply “shaking”, since, in principle, it consists of chaotic movements, thanks to which it is possible to relax all parts of the body.

The life of a modern person is full of stress, various problems. Every day you have to solve a lot of issues in order, as they say, to stay “afloat”, otherwise competitors will simply “swept away” from their path. Why is it literally vital for most of us to be on our toes around the clock so as not to lose the invisible battle for a place in this world.

A person forgets how it is to relax and not think about anything, even during meditation he remembers something, thinks about something and does not realize how tense his arms or legs, neck are. So, shaking is the most effective way to «revive» your petrified limbs.


  • Allow yourself the movements that arise. Let your body do what it wants to get what it needs. If you think you look stupid, you won’t be able to relax and surrender to the process. Here, accept the fact that for a certain amount of time you will be some kind of awkward weirdo.
  • Osho emphasized that shaking should not be done with effort, but simply allowed to be.
  • Try to imagine that you have become somehow viscous, soft, almost liquid. And then the earthquake will just shake you up.
  • It is best if you practice Kundalini meditation in the evening, then your sleep will be strong, really restorative.
  • Stock up on a timer. You will need to divide the hour into 4 intervals of 15 minutes. Osho insisted on just such a period of time, since a person is not able to concentrate on one task for more than 15 minutes. His attention is scattered, respectively, the sense of such a practice becomes doubtful.
  • You can use special music for meditation, it will help you tune in, concentrate.
  • Meditation is best done on an empty stomach, as you will interfere with the normal process of digestion, and there will not be much energy to actively move and dance.
  • Clothing must be comfortable so that there is no need to be distracted by a twitched skirt or football, pants or shorts that have come down.


Step by Step Guide to Kundalini Meditation: Osho

The first stage

Turn on the music and start shaking. Start from the head, gradually connecting the neck, shoulders, arms, body, legs. Concentrate on your feelings, you can close your eyes, especially if you are not practicing all alone and feel embarrassed.

Try to enjoy the fact that you allowed the body to be free, to move exactly as it needs to, without control.

The second stage

Now it’s the turn of the dance, exactly the way you want, let it be sharp, chaotic, sometimes aggressive movements, or soft, smooth.

In this way, you directly release the feelings that you have been holding within yourself. And if earlier you were not aware of them, now you have the opportunity to look, listen, feel what exactly has accumulated and turned out to be ignored.

If shame arises for actions, you want to try to dance correctly and beautifully — just observe these thoughts without trying to adjust to some ideal image that consciousness offers.

The third stage

Now it’s time to stop. If you had your eyes open before, close them now. You can sit down if standing is difficult. The main thing is to keep your back straight, otherwise it will be difficult for the Kundalini energy to move along the spine.

Try to tighten your muscles, tighten your stomach to feel how elastic your body is. At this stage, your mind will wake up offering an active inner conversation. Try to refrain from it, as if you are being drawn into an unwanted conflict.

fourth stage

Now it’s time to lie down on the floor. Do this without opening your eyes. Your body is prepared, tension is relieved and muscles are relaxed.

You just are, you feel every cell of yours, you are calm and accept everything that is happening to you at the moment.

When you are ready, “wake up”, gradually returning to your rhythm of life.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I want to invite you to read one of our articles, which contains a detailed description of the benefits of yoga, breathing techniques, and more.

And in general, remember that our thoughts are material, so try to think positively. Dream more often and believe that desires will come true. Try to do alpha visualization, it will help in this sometimes difficult, but important thing — to be happy.

Take care and be healthy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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