Step 75: «Focusing everything on a single spotlight is like looking for stability only in one leg of a chair»
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I show you how to find balance

This theory applies above all to couple relationships, although, well interpreted, it can go much further. Relationships are like the solar system. The center of the solar system is the Sun. He is the one that gives you light, heats you and is the main source of radiation that keeps you alive. However, it is not the only important body in the solar system. Next to it are the planets, of various sizes and diverse proximity. None can be compared to the Sun, since none plays as important a role as him, and yet if they ceased to exist, the balance that keeps the solar system going would be upset. Therefore, although its importance is incomparable to that of the Sun, its presence is essential to make the whole system work. They play a minor role, but they are just as indispensable.
The Sun represents your partner. Perhaps he has become the most important person in your life, since he is the main person you rely on and the one who, in a thousand ways, gives you the most light. You can expect many things from her, but it would be a mistake to wait for them all (or, worse still, demand them), in the same way that the solar system is not formed only by the Sun, but by the Sun and many planets. These planets represent all the people in our life who, without being your partner or your spouse, contribute a series of things to your life that keep it in balance. What is the mistake that people who do not know the lesson of this Step make? Thinking that because your Sun is your main source of light and heat, you no longer need anything else. And what ends up happening when you get so close to your Sun that you can’t see beyond it? That both you and he end up burning.
Surely you know a couple who work together during the day, at night they spend every hour at home together, on the weekend they do not separate and neither on vacations. And in a high number of cases, what ends up happening? That end up burning. How could more planets be incorporated into your system? Having a sacred time for each one (without posing a threat to the other), investing a part of their leisure time with a friend, and seeking contact with people who represent a source of wisdom, peace or trust. If you have not managed to provoke a rational connection with your partner, there is nothing wrong with incorporating a planet into your life that supplies it, that is, a person who just offers you that virtue.
If you love yoga, dancing, hiking or chess, and your partner does not, it is healthier to include these planets in your life through people or groups with those interests to join than to demand of your partner (your Sun) that satisfies you in each of those areas, when they are something you adore but he or she does not. Incorporating these planets, far from stealing prominence from your Sun, makes it shine more strongly, since it makes each hour spent by its side more important. This, and not the other, is balance. And the relationship, far from being threatened, will benefit. Incorporating the appropriate planets, far from turning off your Sun, adds balance to your universe.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy