Step 73: “Do not work either for recognition or for money, work for achievement”
The 88 Steps of Happy People
In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I teach you to give to those who have not given you first.
Would you like to know a magic formula that makes your pockets full, that you never lack friends, that your life overflows with prosperity and that offers of leisure and work do not stop raining down on you?
I’m going to tell you. But it is not magic. It is logical. Every time you meet some type of entrepreneur who tells you about a project, an illusion or a passion that he is carrying out and with which he is starting up, simply listen to him carefully and then answer him with this phrase: «How interesting! I can help you with your project ». This is the face that you have left when you read that (sad face); since you consider that the “I can help you with that” is exaggerated, because you cannot. Waiting. I am going to transcribe the entire conversation, so that you have the complete script of what you are going to say:
Entrepreneur: I’ve been working on a project for several months. [He tells you.]
You: What is costing you the most?
Entrepreneur: Publicize the project. [Or get clients, or set up a website, or access relevant people, or get motivated, or get unstuck.]
You: I can help you with that.
Entrepreneur: Well, you give me joy. But do you know about marketing?
You: No, but I am one click away from learning.
The abundance formula does not work thanks to your unbeatable knowledge, but to your insurmountable predisposition. Of course you don’t know everything, but in the XNUMXst century all information is just a click away … for those with the determination to go find her.
And guess what happens when someone sees that you are willing to get involved like this for him or her … That magic begins to work (which is actually logical).
On the one hand you just won a friend, since your dear entrepreneur no longer sees you as a normal person, but as a person with a heart bigger than that of normal people. On the other hand, you have just won a project, since if the entrepreneur sees that your contribution is essential, he will offer to formalize your involvement (for what would go from being a free help in which you were not looking for anything to a paid one that you has come by surprise). But it is also that your life ends up being filled with a keyword in Inner Success: Accomplishment. Increase not only the number of interesting people that come into your life, but also the number of activities and opportunities to learn, to meet, to see, to interact and above all, to feel useful and alive; and all of these are fundamental components of prosperity and abundance, both external and internal.
Do you know why this formula is so powerful? Because it teaches you to do something no less powerful:
Use this formula a hundred times with a hundred people and suddenly you will find yourself with a social meadow full of seeds of indebtedness that you have sown, each of which generates a hunger in the minds of your debtors. That craving is the human need to return your favor and, furthermore, not in the same proportion as your favor, but in a greater proportion.
Believe me if I tell you with my heart in hand, few formulas have revolutionized my life as much as this one. For a long time, I was generous to whoever was generous to me. Then, after many years of doing it wrong, I learned that true generosity is giving to someone who has not given to you first. With this learning, I began to plant seeds of indebtedness, and, as if by magic, exclusive opportunities for leisure, business, new relationships, to learn, to grow, to increase my personal fulfillment, and even to climb Inner belt, even though I wasn’t looking for any of that. What I was looking for was to help for the pleasure of helping, in a genuinely altruistic way. And what ended up happening? Those seeds of indebtedness of me towards others inevitably translated into greater abundance of others towards me. It is not magic. It is logical.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy