Step 68: “Getting angry is like kicking a rock. All the pain stays on your foot »
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 steps of happy people” I explain how it is very important to be receptive to all external and internal stimuli

You are a sponge if … you are receptive. You allow yourself to observe rather than judge, internalize rather than reject, remain calm no matter how much you dislike something instead of reacting and exploding. We are talking about something that is governed by listening, reflection and self-control.
You are cactus if … you are reactive. You stay in a state of alert and protection, on the defensive; you are willing to prick with your quills whoever crosses a red line that you have created; to put in place the first one who exceeds your low tolerance level. It is governed by judgment, viscerality and punishment.
Of the two, only sponges are close to Inner success.
This Step is closely linked to the previous one, since being receptive is to succumb to disturbance and being receptive is to conquer it, and with these concepts, my goal is that from today you are aware of the number of times you are a cactus, that is, reagent. Every time you allow the disturbance to beat your pulse and make you feel an altered rejection of someone or something, small or large, both when you express it and even when you do not, you will have succumbed to a moment of reactivity, and that will mean a lost battle. What is your goal regarding the Step? May the day come when your level of self-control and Inner Success is such that your number of reactive moments is equal to… zero.
Take this quick test. What color of cactus are you? To find out, stop and think and count the number of times that, when you don’t like something, you are a victim of reactivity, either because you “jump” / rebel / explode, or because, even if you don’t express it, your interior has entered a state of disturbance. (Note: anger, rage, or rage are always part of that state.)
RED CACTUS: you are reactive more than five times a day.
ORANGE CACTUS: you are reactive once a day.
YELLOW CACTUS: once a month.
GREEN CACTUS: zero times in the last year.
“What if a driver insults me because I was stopped longer than necessary with a green light?” Take that insult just as you would take an invitation to commit a crime. If a thief asks you to help steal two televisions in exchange for keeping one, would you do it? No. Well, if you think you wouldn’t fall into that temptation, don’t fall for this one either. Just as you have the freedom to choose not to steal when invited, you have the freedom not to react when provoked. Doing the opposite not only indicates losing a battle, it also indicates weakness. What if I find out that my son has been absent from school? Can’t I be angry in that case either? ” No. Actually getting angry never adds up. Just subtract. Are you saying that I should fold my arms and allow it like nothing? Absolutely. Put exactly the same limits that you would put today to prevent it from doing so, but … from the White Bag, that is, without shouting, without anger, without rage. “So, can I be firm in making it clear to you that it is not acceptable?” Of course yes.
Therein lies the magic.
The sponge is receptive because it absorbs and receives. Even if it is stepped on, its resilience is such that it returns to its original shape after being stepped on. The cactus is reactive because it rejects and drives away. And we are all free to choose to be one or the other every day of our life.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
Getting angry is like kicking a rock. All the pain stays on your foot »