Step 67: “The greatest difficulties entail the greatest growth”
The 88 Steps of Happy People
In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I teach you to identify those things that disturb you

What I’m about to tell you is something that was a huge brick for me. When I discovered the concept and its importance for inner peace and therefore happiness, it became a huge revelation and a turning point for me. Get ready because it will impact you too.
By now, surely you have already detected that the most groundbreaking concept in this entire book is to be aware that one hundred percent of our actions, intentions or thoughts always come from the white bag or the black bag. Let’s take the spectrum bounded by these two extremes. End A: «I love this. It makes me love. Extreme B: ‘I hate this. It makes me angry. Of the two, it is easy to understand that the first is a white bag, that is, healthy, and the second is a black bag, that is, insane, since anger generates a negative disturbance of well-being. But many times it is possible that the division between the two hemispheres is not so obvious or obvious. How to discern in these cases which bag it is? How to know the exact point that makes us go from the healthy side to the unhealthy one? Where is the cut line? Is it necessary to worship everything to be on the healthy side? Can you really disagree with something without going into the black bag? Is it bad to be unhappy with something?
The answer is this: as long as your dissatisfaction does not alter your inner peace, it will be a good dissatisfaction, that is, arising from the white bag. As long as it does alter it, it will be bad (black bag). And the only way to know if it is a good or bad nonconformity is thanks to that great concept that this Step focuses on and that is the key to inner peace. Ready to meet him?
Here is the disturbance.
The disturbance represents the dividing line between the white bag and the black bag. The moment the disturbance is entered, it automatically goes from white to black, and the moment that disturbance is released (delivered), it goes from black to white. At that precise moment when the disturbance enters, inner peace is lost, and as a consequence, happiness is also temporarily lost, which cannot be recovered until the state of disturbance is overcome.
Pay attention to these three examples:
You are in a restaurant and at the next table they do not stop laughing and screaming.
The noise bothers your ears. → There is no disturbance.
The noise causes you a certain rage against the diners. → Yes there is disturbance.
That noise is unpleasant to your ears is not something controllable, but feeling anger towards someone is. Eliminate anger and you will eliminate disturbance.
You listen to the leader of the party opposite yours on TV.
I think I will never approve of anything this man says. I couldn’t disagree with him more. → There is no disturbance.
«How bad it is for me. I can’t stand it. → Yes there is disturbance.
If you allow their point of view, appearance or way of being to make you «fall bad», Then you have entered the insane side (black bag), since that indicates that you have been disturbed by something that should never disturb you. That “fire” against him within you, however small, must be eliminated. Forever.
You are a few minutes late for a date with your partner and your partner goes into a rage.
You apologize for the delay, and calmly explain that his response may not be proportional to your error. → There is no disturbance.
You allow her anger to provoke anger in you. → Yes there is disturbance.
Is it difficult not to respond to anger with more anger? Of course, but the weak is the one who succumbs to provocation. The strong is the one who resists it. If it’s difficult, keep this in mind:
These situations are tests of Inner Success, and the only thing that sets people with a high Inner Success Belt apart from the rest is just how they maintain their composure in the same situations that others bow to.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy