Step 64: «Your life will take on color when you go from looking at paintings to being a painter»

Step 64: «Your life will take on color when you go from looking at paintings to being a painter»

The 88 rungs of happy people

In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I explain the reasons for always taking risks and choosing the path that scares us the most

Step 64: «Your life will take on color when you go from looking at paintings to being a painter»
The worst student for a painting teacher is not the one who paints badly, but the one who decides not to paint

XXII century. Year 88. The scientific community has managed to develop a virtual angel to accompany any baby on his first day on earth, reassure him, motivate him and give him a single message to be stored in his subconscious and accompany him for the rest of his life.

Of the millions and millions of possible messages, they decided to discard them all in favor of one. Do you know what it was? East:

Today is day zero; the one that starts your life chronometer. And from today you will be a painter. This canvas that is given to you will represent your life. Every time you make something happen in your life, that action in your life will become a stroke on your canvas. And every time your actions leave a positive mark on the world, the lines on your canvas will also take on color. You will never be required to be Picasso or to imitate Dalí. At no time will you be evaluated for the quality of your painting, but there will be an unbreakable condition. In it resides the culmination of this message:

If you’ve come to paint, it doesn’t matter what you paint, but paint

When your life timer stops and your time spent on planet Earth comes to an end, I will come back to meet you and ask you to check your canvas. Show me the canvas that you show me, your painting will be a work of art and your life a success, but if and only if a single condition is met: That your canvas is not as white as the day I gave it to you ».

When you hesitate between joining a project or abstaining, between traveling or staying, between loving or protecting yourself, between investing in training or staying in ignorance, between risking or not doing it, between getting up or sitting down, just think: I’ve come here to paint and this opportunity is my canvas.

Painting like Picasso is something within the reach of Picasso. Painting a blank canvas is something for everyone.

«From today you are a painter. It doesn’t matter what you paint, but paint ».

Every day without “painting” is 24 hours without living

Where does the Black Bag and the White Bag come in here? There are two ways to paint a picture. One is to get a work of art. The other is to enjoy painting. When we paint from the Black Market, we are not interested in the process, but only and exclusively in the result. And not for the right reasons. We seek the work of art not to enjoy its beauty, but for selfish reasons: to be recognized, to feel superior to other painters, to reach more to feel more important, and suffering the typical slump that happens to success: «I’ve already achieved it. And now that?” That is when we do achieve success. And what happens when it doesn’t? We flagellate ourselves and punish ourselves for not having succeeded. I close the Step with an example of Bolsa Negra and another of Bolsa Blanca, applying the example of self-demand not to painting, but to real life.

Two runners have been training for months with the goal of running a marathon in less than 3 hours. The day comes, they run the marathon and they both get the same time: 3 hours and 2 minutes. The first broker acts from the Black Exchange. This is your reaction: “This is terrible. For just two minutes. What anger. I’m a mess. My colleagues have succeeded and I have not. I can not believe it. For two miserable minutes! Right now I wish I would never run again. The second broker acts from his White Bag. Attention to the contrast (this is indeed having a high Belt): «I have worked with enthusiasm towards a goal that has not been met and … I smile about it. I am happy that I did everything possible. I am not guilty of anything and therefore I have nothing to regret. I have detected that the one who is hungry for drama is not me. It’s my ego.

# 88StepsPeopleHappy

“Your life will take on color when you go from looking at paintings to being a painter”


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