Step 63: Why you should not hesitate to try what you think can be a formula for success
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 steps of happy people” I encourage you not to make unnecessary expenses and invest in a coach

Did you like the previous step? Do you see value in “putting a coach in your life”? Well, I have bad news. You are not going to do it. Neither you nor 90 percent of people (at least before reading this Step). If you were to do a survey on why people don’t do it, most would blame money, but that’s wrong.
The reason why this is not a question of money is that it is not about hiring a coach with a larger amount of money, but with exactly the same amount. The question is to make a change of priorities. How? Making the deliberate effort to exchange in favor of the coach all those expenses in your life that generate an equal cost but a lower benefit.
So if the impediment is not money, what is it? The initial resistance.
– You resist… what?
Pay attention to the graphic that I include below. There you will clearly see that every new situation has an initial level of resistance that shoots up and goes through the roof, but (and this is the important thing) that immediately afterwards it collapses and never rises again.
Why? Because step one is the only step that is taken from ignorance. All the others already have previous experience. And what happens when you don’t know something? That your uncertainty, your fear and your laziness soar. And what is the result of all this? The… inaction.
Therefore, each time you are seduced by the idea of hiring a coach or a piano teacher, of implementing a new system in your life of time management, of trying yoga or of incorporating any new habit and radically opposed to all the current, inject this concept into your mind:
Break the placenta!
Convince yourself that there is a new life from which you are only separated by the placenta that you must break, that is, the initial resistance, and that once you break it, you discover a new world with the power to change everything. And best of all … placentas only need to break once, the first time. As soon as you rupture the placenta and overcome the initial resistance, you will never have to do it again.
The reason why you do not hire the coach even though you are seduced by the idea is because you think you do not know where to start, that you may not find the right one, that you may not be able to afford it, that you are not sure how it is going to be X, Y, Z … But the graph tells us that all those doubts and fears are resolved the same day that you make your first call or your first contract. That day actually requires a lot of effort, since you are breaking a placenta (effort 10), but the second time, that effort goes drastically from level 10 to two, and the third and subsequent times, directly to zero. Arriving at a point, that step no longer costs effort. How is this possible if it is exactly the same step? Because now you know which ones not to give. Not before.
To break the placenta with the coach, just do your first internet search right now. To break it up with the piano teacher, just schedule the first lesson before twelve tonight. For a radical change in your inner growth, look like crazy for videos on the internet of speakers who can share with you that knowledge that it has taken them a lifetime to discover and that after taking a while soaking up them can allow you to achieve a greater Belt. And what will happen next?
That you will see that what you were afraid of was not discovering that world, but breaking that placenta.
“Anxo, the 88 Steps are like your children, right?”
-That’s how it is.
—Then, if I asked you which one you would choose, you would answer me the typical thing that you don’t want to get wet and that you would stay ‘with everyone’, right?
-Incorrect. Yes I would get wet.
-Seriously? So, what is the most revolutionary of all for you as a technique to get going?
“Without a doubt, this one.”
This Step contains the main secret of why people do not make great changes in their lives, why they do not grow more, why they do not invest more in developing internally. The reason is that the moment they are faced with initial resistance, they allow themselves to be overcome by it instead of overcoming it. And these are my two tips for all of them:
Every time you discover a formula for success and doubt whether to give it a chance, use all your strength to ignore the reasons why not and listen to the reasons why.
Why? Because…
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
The worst thing that can happen to you is not investing your whole life in finding a formula for success, but not investing a second in deciding to try it.