Step 62: “It is not possible to obtain new results without breaking old paradigms”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I talk about how a coach can help you in your life

Coach? But if a few years ago there were none and now it seems that they come out from under the stones! ».
I have heard that argument many times, but far from being a reason to question that profession, it is a reason to defend it. If there are more coaches, it is because there is more demand for coaching. But, curiously, the main value of the coach is not even in his worth as a coach. There is a greater value, and this is what the previous Step taught us. The greatest value of the coach is not in the coaching, but in the ‘drag’. Why? Because of all the possible pulls with the thousands of people and professions available, this is the only one that leads you to dedicate time to yourself and to deliberately sculpt the future you seek using three tools: time, attention and knowledge.
This is why I believe that we should all have a coach in our life, and in fact maybe even more than one. If you can’t lose weight, hire a health coach. If you’ve been putting off giving for months the step you want to change your life professional, hire a life coach. If you are aware that you should do more financial planning for your future, hire a financial advisor, if you want to move up the Belt in your Inner Success, hire a spiritual teacher. Why? For these three benefits:
a) As soon as you close the appointment with the coach, you will have created the ‘drag’ and yes or yes you will have to sit with him or her, effectively ending the postponement (procrastination).
b) As soon as you sit down with the coach, you will be dedicating one hundred percent of the sessions to a single topic: finding solutions that improve your life. AND…
c) Every time you explore a topic, you open a new door on that topic. Why? Because both talking about that topic and listening to about that topic are two techniques that break the previous paradigms (and limiting beliefs). And the truth is that …
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
«It is not possible to obtain new results without breaking old paradigms. If you want new results, create new paradigms ».