Step 59: “The world is in need of geniuses, and that includes the one within you”

Step 59: “The world is in need of geniuses, and that includes the one within you”

The 88 rungs of happy people

In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I explain the importance of finding within yourself what makes you unique

Step 59: “The world is in need of geniuses, and that includes the one within you”
The value that others can see in you does not depend on what they manage to perceive, but on what you manage to transmit to them.

In my first two books in the «88 Steps» collection, I mentioned my company 8Belts more, and included many anecdotes and stories of how to go about producing the results you are looking for, since many of the lessons, both for entrepreneurship and for life, I learned thanks to all the learning I got from the difficulties of founding it. Maybe you miss a few more stories from the thousands that I have about that process, but since this book focuses on inner success, I preferred to leave 8Belts more on the sidelines. However, there is an anecdote that I will share with you, which explains the importance of knowing how to communicate value. I used it for my company, but I would like you to take it as an example to convey the value of whatever it is, especially your own.

Someone asked me:

“And what are you doing here in Kiev in the summer?” Have you just come to know Ukraine?

-No. I have come to practice Russian and investigate how people learn languages ​​to perfect the methodology I told you about.

-I understand. You told me that with it you get anyone to learn a language in 8 months. But how could you do so that I can understand why it is so revolutionary?

—I’m going to give you a simile that for me perfectly represents what we achieved with the 8Belts methodology. Imagine that you wanted to get a tomato juice. You buy a thousand tomatoes, the stars against a wall, you take a glass and try to fill it with the small droplets that slide vertically before they reach the ground. That is the most inefficient way to get tomato juice. What is the most efficient? You take a single tomato, you pass it through a blender, and with one hundred percent of that tomato you get the same juice as with the previous thousand. What is the difference? That you have saved 999 tomatoes. The traditional education system takes twelve years to achieve less than what we achieve in eight months. The traditional way of teaching is how to smash tomatoes. Ours is like using a blender.

My interlocutor, a boy from the USA, also an entrepreneur, without being aware of it turned his expression first into astonishment and then into admiration.

“How good,” he said. And that simile about the value you contribute just occurred to you right now?

-Absolutely. It is the result of five years thinking about how to explain it.

What makes you unique? Why are you the best for this job? Why do your friends decide to be your friends? You do a thousand things worse than many, but what do you do better than anyone? If we asked your acquaintances what they admire about you, what would almost everyone agree on? And the fundamental. If you have already found it, how much time have you invested in learning to express it? How many similes or stories have you looked for to find one that represents you? Many do not get to the first, and practically nobody to the second.

– But Anxo, to communicate my value, wouldn’t it be to be immodest or arrogant?

This is where the most important part of the Step enters. The answer to that question is found in this one, which is also one of my favorites: why. What are you communicating your worth for? If identifying your strengths and communicating them is something that you carry out exclusively for egoic purposes, at the service of your ego, you will be acting from your Black Bag, and then it will effectively be a motivation that does not make your inner success grow. What then is the alternative? Communicate your worth not in order to shine, but in order to serve. Not from your Black Bag, but from the White Bag. When you put your gifts at the service of a company, your family, your community, in short, a greater good than yourself, then, identify what makes you unique and communicate it brilliantly, with the intention that the world benefit from it, it will be the most beautiful of endeavors.

# 88StepsPeopleHappy

“The world is in need of genius and genius, and that includes the one in you.”


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