Step 5: The method to discover your degree of happiness
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 steps of happy people” I propose a method to discover your level of happiness

Most people don’t know me either from my books or from my lectures. He knows me for having created, a method that allows you to learn a language in eight months online. Is he the only method in the world to achieve something like this, and that made our growth for several years exponential. I cannot explain here the keys to the success of the methodology (if you have a passion for languages like I do, go to, but I can tell you that all the advancement in the language focuses on the conquest of eight belts, hence the name 8Belts (the English word belt means “belt”). I have decided to equate this system through which our students manage to master a language to how each of us manages to achieve our Inner Success, since the process is the same. These are the eight Belts of Inner Success, according to the level of evolutionary development of each individual. The only thing that determines if your Belt is lower or higher is the number of times you act from your Black Bag or from your White Bag. Nothing more. I encourage you to better understand the Belts, when reading them, think about what people in your environment could be in each of them.
Belt 1
You live in a permanent state of self-protection. You consider the world to be hostile. You see each person as a potential danger. You live in hate and fear. Your level of ability and desire to domesticate your anger and your interior is equal to zero, which makes you air it on any occasion you have the opportunity. Also, the level of pleasure (ephemeral) that your ego gets from doing so is the highest possible. People are only means to your end. In your universe there is only one single protagonist: you. Everything else is secondary.
Ego level (shadow): 7. Essence level (light): 1.
Belt 2
You live in bitterness. Your existence is characterized by feeling irritation and distrust, being on the defensive and acting from the attack. Life is a battle. You dislike people and only victories give you pleasure, but none of those pleasures reduces that state of bitterness. You get a victory every time you crush someone, you punish him, you lecture him or you defeat him, but this does not translate into more light, but more darkness. The purpose of life is not to live, but not to die.
Ego level: 6. Essence level: 2.
Belt 3
You begin to understand that hatred must be controlled, but you still believe that only sometimes. You defend a punishing justice, but you also believe in rewarding those who “deserve it” (always at your discretion). You don’t usually act from love, but you no longer reside in that extreme hatred. It makes you sad to see someone suffer, but not when you think that it is a suffering that corresponds to them. You do believe in giving love, but only to those you consider “mine.” Your ego continues to dominate your life but your level of consciousness has learned to control it at its most uncontrolled levels. There begins to be more spaces for love and kindness towards people.
Ego level: 5. Essence level: 3.
Belt 4
For the first time, the level of love in your life exceeds your level of bitterness. Things that you consider unacceptable continue to irritate you, but your inner growth is beginning to allow less room for complaining and more for gratitude. You still do not live enjoying the present, but trying to control it, and this only with the intention of dominating your future. You suffer every time your rigidity to control everything fails. Your ego is close to domestication, but it still has a long way to go. Every time he doesn’t get his every whim, just like a child when he doesn’t get what he wants, he suffers.
Ego level: 4. Essence level: 4.
Belt 5
Like a snake, you have shed your previous skin. Your inner growth has achieved break the first armor that your ego confined you to since your birth. Not only are you aware of the components that take life, that is, those that make up the ego, and those that give it, that is, those that form the essence, but you have also raised your level of consciousness above them. Every time that who speaks is not your essence, but your ego, you know it, and that allows you to ignore one and listen to the other. More and more you notice that the fire of fear, sadness, anger and disapproval rages with less force. Your previous disinterest in the good of others is gradually giving way to an increasing interest.
Ego level: 3. Essence level: 5.
Belt 6
Your life is governed by acceptance. You have practically conquered your desire to control and have replaced it with the peace of mind that comes from knowing how to accept. When they praise you, you smile, but when they reject you, too. You live in the state of “everything is perfect,” even when things happen that you previously classified as “bad.” You have achieved it thanks to stripping yourself of the largest of the slabs: the slab of judgment. Before you lived in what is called Manichaeism: permanent state of trial of each event and person as good or bad. Now you live in a state of acceptance and observation. You begin to master the art of “loving”, transforming the desire to react by venting your frustration into the ability to respond in a loving way, something very difficult to do for lower Belts.
Ego level: 2. Essence level: 6.
(The last two Belts are for very advanced levels. If it is not your case, skip them, or just observe them, but do not judge them, since you will not be able to understand them without first having gone through the previous ones. I did not understand them for a long time. )
Belt 7
Your life is governed by compassion. You have left behind the egomaniacal, narcissistic and egocentric mentality that is only interested in the individual good and you have managed to reach the difficult level of lucidity that few reach, in which the individual good and the collective good merge. You have eliminated judgment from your life, the need for control, fear, anxiety, envy, anger, disapproval, impatience and selfishness. Few things have the power to shake or hurt you. You live in joy.
Ego level: 1. Essence level: 7.
Belt 8
You have come to understand what the 99 percent will never understand: unconditional love. You have lived your life convinced that giving unconditional love to those who hate you is foolish. Today you know that it is wise. You live in inner peace. Nothing disturbs you. Nothing makes you afraid. You have managed to completely eliminate from your life and not pain (physical), but suffering (mental). You live in happiness. You emit well-being and the people who come to you get infected with it.
Ego level: 0. Essence level: 8.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
Happiness is a ball of light covered by a tower of blankets. We cannot produce the light, but we can remove the blankets. Anxo Pérez @Anxo
I share two very shocking things with you. The first is that the mere reading of this book, in itself, will cause an ascent of your Belt of Inner Success, especially if you read it more than once. The second is that every time a person within a family nucleus rises from Belt, that fact causes a rise, no matter how small, in the rest of the family members.