Step 43: “There are two types of people: those who rejoice at the success of others and those who get angry”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I explain how to eliminate envy and rejoice for the achievements of others

We are all exposed to being victims of envy. It comes from a survival instinct. “If the other has something that I lack, automatically he is stronger and I am weaker.” Fake. Perhaps in cave days, when having a piece of meat more or less could be the difference between life and death, this was so, but today it is not.
When China managed to lift more than half a billion people out of poverty in just over thirty years and ranked among the world’s leading economies, many countries and people were suspicious of that. growth so dizzying and even afraid that they were going to conquer the world. However, with the arrival of this enormous wealth, there was also the creation of numerous and excellent Chinese universities that made scientific research explode on a world scale just because of the enormous contribution of China. Now comes the important thing. If Chinese researchers find a cure for a disease that affects each and every country in the world, who benefits from it? The Chinese or all? We live in a world where talent, knowledge and wealth multiply year after year, and this is something that we all benefit from. To feel envy is to be unaware of that fact, thinking that an increase in my success must lead to a decrease in yours, when it is just the opposite.
Did you know that a large part of the population feels a certain pleasure in the failures of others? Do you know why it is? It’s funny but it is not due to a question of evilBut to a question of insecurity: “If my neighbor’s successes don’t turn out to be too big, then mine won’t end up looking too small.” Fake. The one who speaks to you is not you. It is one of the tentacles of the ego: your fear. Envy is the result of fear stemming from insecurities, and this fear is always an unfounded fear. The second biggest beneficiary of the elimination of envy is the one you feel it for. The first … is you.
How to eliminate envy?
The first step is contained in the first sentence of the Step. Each and every one of the mental changes that each and every one of the Steps of this book propose to you always begins in the same way: raising your level of consciousness. Do you know what happens at the same time that your brain is aware of a fact to improve? That it has already improved. Simply reading the words “you are vulnerable to envy” makes you less vulnerable after reading them than you were before you read them.
Amazing. But true. That’s the power of books like this. If I get that when you put this book on the table, you keep thinking about this fact from time to time and that your mind takes a few minutes to reflect on it and you begin to detect more moments in which you are vulnerable to envy, I will have achieved that you start the main potion to eliminate it.
Let’s move on to the second part of the process. Now that you have detected it, simply memorize the following phrase and use it every time you find yourself facing the success of an acquaintance and you find yourself with a tendency to feel suspicious:
«How happy I am for you».
What if I don’t feel like saying something like that? You might ask. So say it without them.
You don’t even have to say it to their face. Start by saying it in your mind, since the important thing is not the effect that those words cause on the other, but the effect they produce on you.
Like our ancestors, even having much less strength than the beasts, they managed to tame them using only the ingenuity of their mind, you will be able to tame your beast, envy, using the ingenuity of yours. When you spot her, imagine her shaking her disobedient head and visualize yourself pulling the reins with all your might, willing not to give in to her intentions. And you will see that each time … you need to pull with less force.
You decide which one you choose.
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