Step 4: “We all have two children inside us, one who enjoys breaking glass and the other who enjoys hitting them”

Step 4: “We all have two children inside us, one who enjoys breaking glass and the other who enjoys hitting them”

The 88 rungs of happy people

In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I invite you to discover the true complexity of the ego’s tentacles

Step 4: “We all have two children inside us, one who enjoys breaking glass and the other who enjoys hitting them”

“The 88 steps of happy people” is a book that, according to its author, Anxo Pérez, “contains the formula to eliminate any type of suffering or bitterness from your life.” A formula that, according to the entrepreneur and speaker, is explained in the work through 88 steps (steps) that, once taken, represent the secret to having a happy life.

Over the next few weeks, Anxo Pérez will reveal in the form of steps or steps the 88 chapters of his book “The 88 steps of happy people.” In step 1 (“Never judge from the outside what you will not be able to know inside”) he invited to avoid judgments about people without knowing what is behind, on step 2 (“The first step to reach an objective, is not to walk, but to know where “) encouraged to recognize the actions that vitiate the ego, and on step 3 (” Your enemy is inside and is called ego “) he explained how to tame the ego.

Step 4: “We all have two children inside us, one who enjoys breaking glass and the other who enjoys hitting them”

«You are in the Himalayas. You are about to climb one of its mountains, which is populated by a lush forest with trees and shrubs. Hidden among the vegetation is an army of tiny trolls. Every time you climb a little higher towards your goal, one of those trolls sneaks up behind you and, without you noticing, shoves a stone into your backpack. You want to ascend, but each time it becomes more difficult, since the weight of your load increases the resistance more and more and hinders your ascent. At a certain point, you discover the trolls, you put a face on them, you know their ways of acting and you are aware of all the weights that they have been placing in your backpack. You free yourself from that weight that held you back so much, you protect yourself from the trolls, and suddenly, as if by magic, your ascent to the top … shoots up».

Walking is not what exhausts your feet … It is your weight
Angel Perez

The tentacles of the «enemy»

The ascent of that mountain represents your evolution towards the inner success, and that army of “trolls” represents the ego. The stones are the slabs with which the ego loads you. Each and every one of those “trolls” works day and night with a single goal in mind: to keep you from growing up.

Each troll looks different, but they are all part of the same army. Each of them represents each of the tentacles with which that army manifests itself, but the enemy is always one and always the same: the ego.

In popular vocabulary, the word ego is mostly used to define people presumptuous, haughty o narcissists. But that is only one of the tentacles of the thousand that make up the army of the ego. That was the definition that I also had in mind, in a wrong way, until I experienced my great leap in inner development and became aware of the other dimensions that I was not aware of. The purpose of this rung is that, if the previous definition represents only one tentacle of the ego, you are aware that there are 999 more.

You may not have realized it, but on the previous step, numerous tentacles plus. They all appeared in the three imaginary situations, and if you look back, you will see that they also appeared in bold. But you don’t have to. I will group and uncover the face of the tentacles of the trolls that form the army of the ego, and throughout the book we will see how to conquer them.

Here are several: drama (“What will become of me, this is terrible”), the search to blame (“If you hadn’t been late, we wouldn’t be in this rush now”), passing judgment (“that person is too X”), victimhood (“Look what he did to me …”), non-acceptance (“What have I done to make this disease come to me!”), addiction (“I could never live without you”), being right (“I’m going to give you some advice about something that bothers me a lot, but it’s for your good …”), the desire to recognition (I tell you my achievements A, B, C with the sole purpose that you applaud me for them, and of course, I will be upset if you do not recognize them), the desire to aleccionar The desire to feel important (of course, under the prism that others are less important), choose get offended (always justifying it with a “it is that he disrespected me”), rebelling in the face of criticism or even sadness …

Does the sadness? Yes. Sadness too. All this represents your Black Bag. Keep climbing the steps to discover why they are all different children but with the same father: the ego.

“We all have two children inside. One who enjoys breaking glass and another who enjoys hitting them ». Anxo Pérez (@Anxo)

In this book you will learn to recognize them and listen to the second and ignore the first.

If you want to strengthen your inner success, weaken your ego. (If you have seen value in this Step 4, I invite you to share it with # 88PeldañosGenteFeliz)

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