Step 33: «You have not come to this world to mold it to your liking»

Step 33: «You have not come to this world to mold it to your liking»

The 88 rungs of happy people

In this chapter 33 of “The 88 steps of happy people” I explain how we should surrender to those things that are beyond our control

Step 33: «You have not come to this world to mold it to your liking»

See what easier way to detect whether or not it is you ego the one who just got into your “car” and intends to take the wheel.

– It bothers you?

– Yes.

– Then it’s ego.

And if it’s ego, understand that ego = suffering. Every time something annoys you (upsets you, upsets you), it is the result of your ego acting, even if it is just allowing your face to change because someone just carelessly stomped your foot and you have not apologized. Just knowing that even a discomfort coming from such an inconsequential situation is caused by the ego, that is, it comes from your Black Bag, it will help you take the first step to combat it. This step is from the previous Step. It is the magic phrase that allows you to identify it: «I have detected that my ego is hungry …». This phrase will allow you to raise your level of consciousness about how it works, and will help you unmask it. And what to do next? Take the second step: to deliver it.

If every action of the ego goes through rejecting something uncontrollable that life puts in your way instead of accepting it, then that rejection in turn is the result of the desire that that reality is not as it is, that is, the desire to control the uncontrollable . That is just the thing to deliver. As soon as you surrender the desire to control or change What you do not like and that bothers you and that you cannot control, such as a challenge that life puts on you, the type of weather today or the behavior of another human being, you do not get the situation to change, but you do Stop bothering yourself, since what hurt you was not the fact itself, but the desire to change it. Giving up the desire (letting go, letting go) eliminates suffering.

– And if it is a very big setback, does it also work?

Yes. It always works, but it will require more application on your part. If it is a great setback of enormous impact for you, it is not that the formula stops working, it is that the degree of evolution that your delivery requires is greater. I encourage you to try the formula, giving up everything that causes you discomfort and frustrates you and that you see that it is something that you cannot change. Start with minor situations, and you will see that it works in a seemingly miraculous way.

You detect that your ego is hungry to tell your group of friends that one of them, not present, you like, and detail the reasons (not from the White Bag but from the trial). Give it up.

You find that your ego is hungry for fear of an important exam and does not allow you to sleep at night. You have studied everything possible, but your Black Bag (ego) demands that the result be what you determine and not what a jury stipulates. Give it up.

You detect that your ego (Black Bag) is hungry for revenge when you find a note from your neighbor at the door because there was a couple of hairs from your dog in the hall. Give it up.


Simply acknowledging that you have not come to this world to mold it to your whim, nor to instruct people so that they all behave according to a criterion that you consider superior, but to accept everything that you cannot (and should not) change. Accepting is taking your ego’s desire to control and then observing that desire and saying to yourself: I give it up.

“I am going to give up my wish to be right, keeping myself in peace without wanting to prove to the other that he is not right.”

“I’m going to give up my desire to get upset when someone criticizes (unfairly or not) my work, keeping me at peace while listening to those criticisms.”

“I am going to give up my desire to rebel against a setback in life, against a loss, against a provocation, against an injustice that I cannot control.”

“I am going to give my desire to show that I am smart, that I am good at something, that I am the best, that I am more than another … my desire to feel superior.”

Living with the desire to change everything (the weather, the circumstances, the results that do not depend on you, the behaviors of others …) is tremendously exhausting. Deliver the wish. And you will feel that surrender it… liberate.

# 88StepsPeopleHappy

“If you want the rain to lose its strength, get wet”


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