Step 32: How to control the ego: “It’s not about not falling, it’s about falling less”

Step 32: How to control the ego: “It’s not about not falling, it’s about falling less”

The 88 rungs of happy people

In this chapter of «The 88 steps of happy people, I invite you to control your ego

Step 32: How to control the ego: “It’s not about not falling, it’s about falling less”

«You are in the queue of the bank, inside a branch, and suddenly a thief enters to rob the bank. He takes the money and runs through a crowded square. You and several people who have seen what just happened, you go out into the square, point your finger at it and shout: THIEF!

Has he been caught? No. Have you returned the money? No. Have you asked for forgiveness? No. And despite this, the mere fact of exposing him has already neutralized him. No one has acted on him, and yet he has nowhere else to escape.

Without your realizing it, with that story I just gave you the number one tool to control your ego. It consists of a single phrase, but of immense power: the power to neutralize the ego, simply unmasking it: “I have detected that my ego is hungry …”.

Every time you use that phrase regarding your ego you will be unmasking it. And just like the thief, even if you do absolutely nothing else, there will be no way out. The mere fact of unmasking it neutralizes it.

If we all have a part of light (the essence) and a part of darkness (the ego), which one do you think represents you as being? Obviously the esencia. Well, if this is so (and it is), then you are interested in identifying with the first and speaking in the third person about the second, since she is not you. It is “she”, the egoic part, the dark part. Talking about the ego in the third person allows you to unmask it.

Your boss makes you a review that you consider unfair and you want to give him a terrible answer and quit your job.

«I have detected that my ego is hungry for pride».

Your friend bought a fur coat when she said the other day that she had no money for her daughter’s violin lessons. You are dying to get home to tell your husband because that seems “terrible” to you.

«I have detected that my ego is hungry for gossip and judgments».

Your son said he would come to pick you up at 12.00:12.30 and it’s XNUMX:XNUMX. You are about to be furious.

«I have detected that my ego is hungry for impatience e go to».

– Anxo, are you sure? Is that enough?

Yes, I’m sure. The mere fact of detecting it means that a part has already transcended it. But there are three things to keep in mind. The first is that with that phrase many times you can detect the ego before it acts, and then the phrase will help protect you; but many times it will be too late, because the ego will have already acted. When this is the case, the phrase is also useful, since it will allow you to detect that what has just happened has not come from you, but from your ego. This also helps you to unmask it, even afterwards, and above all it will allow you accept you y forgive you. The second is that just as an elementary school student is not up to solving a college problem, there will be many ego challenges that will be too great for your current Inner Evolution Belt. No problem.

Just understand that you target is not reaching the perfection, but take a step closer. Maybe your ego asks you to enter a state of victimhood because someone has done you a “horrible” offense and you prefer not to leave the house for a week. You can’t get over that offense, so you stay in “victim mode” anyway, only instead of staying home for seven days, you only stay one. Celebrate that as a Belt rise, an evolutionary breakthrough.

And the third is to understand that the ego does not die with unmasking it once, but that it has to be unmasked many times.

Understanding this will allow you to understand that each time you use your magic phrase, you cannot conquer XNUMX percent of that ego face, but you are one step closer to the day when you do.

# 88StepsPeopleHappy

It is not about never falling. It’s about falling less.


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