Step 15: “There is not a single success without an expiration date”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 Steps of Happy People” I explain why not all successes are the same

After this Step, I would like you to understand from now on that there are two types of height. One is the exterior height; Of the two, this height matters very little. The other is the interior. That matters a lot. From now on, every time you meet a person, you will recognize that the important thing is not how much they measure on the outside, but how much they measure on the inside.
The height outside is the one measured in number of centimeters. It represents material success. There is nothing wrong with material success, except when it is “selfish”: not only “I am taller than you”, but also “my house is bigger than yours” or “I have come further in life than you. your”. Those kinds of (what many call) “wins” have a little problem. On the one hand, lThe happiness they grant is a happiness stolen from the future. If this month you feel very happy because you have been the best (in class, in the sales ranking, in a sport), how will you feel the following month when you stop being so? If it was ego-based happiness, then you have not benefited, since the happiness that the ego gives when you win is equal to the sadness that the ego produces when you lose. Ego happiness gives a high in the present, but at the cost of a low in the future.
On the other hand, that happiness is perishable, since: there is not a single success without an expiration date. I am referring, of course, to external success. That phrase does not apply when we refer to Inner Success. That one is not selfish and therefore does not perish. It is not based on outperforming others. It is not based on doing. And of course, it is not based on having. It is based on being. That’s the kind of success that the second type of height produces. Not the exterior, but the interior. Not the one that is measured in number of centimeters, but the one that is measured in amount of light.
Therefore, he begins to see people not by whether they have achieved a lot or a few things (exterior height), but by whether they have a lot or little light (interior height). This new scale is much more democratic, since you can find tall people on the inside with or without height on the outside, but also with or without money, with or without social status, with or without studies, with or without charisma, with or without fame. . They may or may not have any of the components of external success, but nevertheless, yes or yes they give off a lot of light: they convey affability, a feeling of well-being, tranquility, joy, good energy, magnetism. And this is something that can be learned to detect. These are the three main qualities of tall people (on the inside):
1. When something happens that would upset the rest of the world, they maintain a surprising level of calm, not by apathy, but by evolution.
2. They live away from the rigidity (at the time of giving an opinion, controlling or imposing).
3. They do not give off negative energy (they would not speak ill of anyone, they are not offended, they do not prosecute, they do not label – «this person is stupid / stingy / unbearable …» -).
Practical exercise
Surely when reading those qualities at least three people have come to mind. I’m going to ask you to write down their names here.
1. — ————— 2. — ————— 3. — ——————
Maybe you have been lazy to exercise, but it is important that you do it for a reason. One of the best ways to learn and grow is by osmosis, that is, by emulating or modeling others. Therefore it would be a huge success if you actually write down their names in order to keep them in mind. If when you want to gain inner height, you simply visualize how each of them would act in a similar situation, only that fact will make you more aware of how to act correctly; and even without doing absolutely nothing, your height will have already increased.
I spent my whole life looking at the outer heights of people, but I was completely blind to the inner heights. Why? Because he was not aware of the concept. The day I found out that interior height existsJust because I was familiar with this concept, I was shocked to realize that people around me that both I and the rest of the world saw as very normal, almost ordinary (unpopular, without great successes, disbelievers), were actually giants (inside): their way of treating others, their ability not to get angry or break down in the face of offenses that would take others a second to explode, their ability to respond with love to those who treat them with anger. Those are the real heroes and not the others. And yet the world admires the characters idolized by the masses for having achieved a Belt 8 on the outside, even though they sometimes only have a Belt 1 on the inside. This discovery gave me cramps in my brain just thinking about the huge mistake that almost everyone (including my “me” from before) makes by ignoring or despising (inner) giants and exalting people who may be tiny on the inside. .
When you discover the concept of inner height and add it to that of wonderful ignorance, that is when you learn to increase your unconditional love for people. When you meet huge people on the outside and tiny on the insideHe simply acknowledges that they may have been brilliant and even geniuses in their field and that that makes them doctoral students in outer success, but babies in Inner Success. And every baby is characterized by two things: being tremendously precious and being tremendously ignorant.
Reasons both to be loved.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
“There are people who are true giants that the world mistakes for ants, and true ants that the world mistakes for giants”