Step 14: “Anyone who acts from the dark is because they do not yet know how to turn on their light”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 steps of happy people” I explain the keys to an anti-frustration formula that can help you understand many attitudes

Imagine that you are a doctoral student in quantum physics at a prestigious university, the most prestigious in your country. You have had the privilege of accessing the best teachers, content, exercises and books. That has allowed you to increase your learning…, and a lot. Today you have knowledge that none of all lower-level students have.
One day you meet a first year high school student. You explain your latest publications on quantum physics. You endeavor to simplify your message as much as possible so that he can understand it, but his gaze candidly reveals that everything you are relating to him is nothing more than a enigma for him. This enigma is the result of a lag. You talk to him understanding from the level of a PhD student, and he listens with an understanding of the level of a pre-college. Here comes the question. Would it be wise to get frustrated with him because his degree of understanding be limited? Would it be wise to reproach him for not being on a higher level? And the worst …, would it be wise to impose a punishment on the first year high school student for having a first year high school level?
The answer to all these questions is “no.” It would be the most misguided position in the world. Why? Because his level of knowledge is neither more nor less than that corresponding to the level of the academic degree in which he is.
(Allow me a parenthesis: If you have children, consider spending more time “enjoying” them and less “educating” them. Most of the time they are not misbehaving. They are just being… children.)
What would happen if we applied this simile to the evolutionary level of people? The conclusion of that simile is that all people’s levels of wisdom and ignorance are correct! Why? Because just as someone who has not read the second part of a book cannot know more than the first, whoever is at a low evolutionary level cannot have a level of consciousness typical of a high evolutionary level. Each level of knowledge is suitable for each level of evolution. The reason is elementary, and it is mathematically impossible to have a level of wisdom higher than your level of evolution, since if the level of wisdom were higher, the level of evolution would also be. This is the reason why the degree of development of each individual is correct! (for the level you are at).
– Anxo, for this one I do not pass ….
Before you go into a rage… I’m not saying that people always act perfectly. What is appropriate is not the way of acting, but the correlation between the way of acting and the evolutionary level. The degree of development of the doctoral student is not more appropriate for a doctoral student than that of a primary school student for a primary school student. They are exactly as suitable! For one at his level and for the other at his. The offender acts perfectly consistent with his evolution low Belt, just as the enlightened one acts in perfect harmony with his high Belt. While one experiences anger and disapproval towards other people and situations more than 30 times each day, the other experiences them zero times a year. Therefore I am not justifying that there are high levels of shade, but understanding that it is not possible to act with higher doses of humanity as long as there are no higher levels of light.
What I just detailed is the formula anti-frustration, anti-judgment and anti-conviction, and pro-acceptance, pro-understanding and pro-compassion. If what I just said is true, and it is, then you no longer need to get frustrated with those who act from a state of ignorance, as it would be equivalent to the doctoral student becoming frustrated with the high school students. Each person is at the perfect point in their evolutionary process, and asking for a higher evolutionary point while at a lower evolutionary level would make as much sense as requiring an elementary school student to act like a doctoral student.
Mario is telling a joke with his old friends at the first bar they have found. During his staging he makes a brusque gesture and throws the waiter’s tray, with all his drinks, on the floor. The waiter loses his papers and starts yelling and insulting Mario. Mario does not return the insults, but concludes that the waiter is a bastard, and although it does not show, inside he is terribly upset.
How could I have digested that situation better? Understanding that the behavior of the waiter is not the result of being a bastard. It is the result of the fact that he is still in elementary school in his process of Inner Success.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy