Step 10: “Be aware of the negative attitude, it already increases the positive one”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this tenth chapter or step of “The 88 steps of happy people” I explain how to learn to identify the negative attitude that overwhelms us on numerous occasions

This Rung is the complement to the previous Rung, as it focuses on the how: how to get up the Belt in your Inner Success through the question “from where?”. If I had to divide the process of achieving Inner Success into two parts, the first would include everything that has to do with learning, investing in knowledge and flooding the brain with all the information to be processed. But all that is useless without the second, which is to assimilate it. That your brain has all the information in the world Without it being able to be assimilated it is as useful as a tree having all the water in the world without it being able to be absorbed.
Therefore, the truly important part is not accessing the information, but rather that you manage to own it. For this there is a tool that is probably the most important of all those that exist for this purpose. It is simple and is available to everyone. That tool is the center of this Step. It’s about the SELF-OBSERVATION.
Through resources such as my lectures, videos or even this book, I can take care of alerting you to questions such as “WHERE FROM” and concepts such as the Black Stock Market and the White Stock Market. By doing so, I play a not insignificant role in the process, since the mere fact that you are aware of this binomial, by magic, just gave you the biggest breakthrough towards your goal before even starting to walk. The simple act of reading about a topic, in itself, raises your level of awareness about that topic, and in the awareness of a topic lies the learning about that topic. You learn more about something the more aware you are about it. And how is the level of consciousness raised? With SELF-OBSERVATION. Self-observation goes beyond simply observing. It actually consists of a four-part process, which constitutes its four advantages: STOP – REFLECT – DECIDE – ACT.
Your partner is angry because you have been late for dinner. You consider that his anger is terribly unfair, since in your opinion, if you work, it is for the good of your family. As soon as you perceive the alteration of your partner, after a very frustrating day at the office, your blood begins to boil and you go into a rage against her and her anger. You feel (choose to feel) offended. Just when you are about to vent your anger, you are reminded of the power of SELF-OBSERVATION. And instead of exploding, STOP. That first step already allows you to contain your anger instead of externalizing it. Then, YOU REFLECT. Reflecting allows you to ask the question of “from where?” By doing so you recognize that there is no anger where there is love, and therefore you conclude that getting angry and offended is acting from the ego. This mini-dialogue, which takes less than a second – since it is not made up of words, but of notions, of observation – makes you raise your level of consciousness; And remember that whenever you raise your level of consciousness on a topic, you can conclude that you have increased your learning and growth on that topic. During your reflection, you think that if someone were recording you while you act ugly, you would want them to delete the video, because that character is the opposite of the person you want to be. Therefore you DECIDE not to listen to your ego. In conclusion, YOU ACT controlling it. You say, “You’ve worked so hard to make this dinner, and you’ve been frustrated when it didn’t come, right?” That phrase disarms your partner. You have answered him from love, and consequently, he / she returns … more love.
¿How many times have you stopped to simply observe your impatience, your fears, your frustration? Surely you have not spent even an hour in total your entire life to be aware of these things; however, becoming aware of any ego tentacle, even without doing anything else, is the tool to eliminate it. The larger the tentacle, the greater the observation should be. If one monday so and so acts with anger in a situation, and on Tuesday, faced with the same situation, he manages to act without anger, the only thing that has made him conquer the anger of Tuesday and others not, is the number of minutes he devoted to reflecting on Monday.
# 88StepsPeopleHappy
«Be aware of the negative attitude,
in itself, the positive is already increasing ».