Step 1: “Never judge from the outside what you will not be able to know from the inside”
The 88 rungs of happy people
In this chapter of “The 88 steps of happy people” I invite you to avoid judgments about people without knowing what is behind

What is the number 1 requirement to fill a glass of water? Have the glass? Have the jug? Have the water? The number one requirement to fill a glass of water is … That it is not full. That is exactly the requirement that I am going to ask of you when reading these 88 Steps that I will be publishing every week online at ABC Bienestar. May your glass be empty. And this implies many things: that you empty yourself of prejudices, of previous notions, of the attachment to previous erroneous beliefs, of your desire to deny the new and above all to reject the different. In short, emptying means being predisposed to grow, even when this growth occurs by taking the path that you least expected. Therefore, I invite you that, if you are going to judge something for yourself, that it is the final result, but not the way to it.
If you commit to “Empty your glass” right now in order to give me all the necessary receptivity to soak up the 88 treasures that you are going to find in the next few days (one chapter every Friday), I promise to fill it for you. As long as your mind is as predisposed to learning as an empty glass to being filled, you can be sure that this book will quench your thirst to revolutionize your inner success and with it you level of happiness.
Step 1: The importance of… me?
“I” is a businessman who, although he travels first class, by his nature could be any of us. He is just in time to land and be picked up by his driver for a very important meeting. On the plane’s public address they indicate that a passenger is being delayed: «A passenger ?! Am I going to be late for a passenger? Let him be grounded! “Roars” I “enraged.
After a few minutes, a visibly agitated middle-aged woman rushed into the aircraft. Upon entry, the crew closes the hatch to prepare for takeoff. “I” can get his fury. Shame on you. You are irresponsible! ”, She hurls him with the greatest contempt. The passenger bows her head and continues walking toward her seat. A few moments before ordering to turn off the telephones, «I» receives a message from his son with news about his wife. “Dad, just after we said goodbye to you at the airport, Mom had a heart attack. The worst could have happened, but luckily someone who passed us turned out to be a doctor and saved his life. It has only been in a fright. We even took a photo together. Look … », says the text.
And there they were smiling: his son, his wife, and … “the irresponsible passenger.”
“Never judge on the outside what you can never know on the inside.” Anxo Pérez. (@Anxo)
(If you have seen value in this Step 1, I invite you to share it with # 88PeldañosGenteFeliz)