
General description of the disease

Stenosis is a pathological narrowing of any lumen (cavity) in the human body. It can be congenital, acquired character or be combined (combination of two characters). Acquired stenosis can occur due to metabolic disorders, against the background of an inflammatory process, due to tumor growth.

Depending on where the compression occurred, this type of stenosis is isolated.

Types, symptoms, causes of stenosis:

  • The spinal canal (the central spinal canal, the lateral pocket can be narrowed, or the intervertebral foramen may be narrowed due to the presence of cartilaginous and bone structures in the openings).

Congenital stenosis is caused by anatomical differences between the patient and a healthy person, for example: increased arch thickness, reduced body height or shortening of the vertebral pedicle, shortened vertebral arches, the presence of fibrous or cartilaginous diastematomyelia.

The main causes of acquired stenosis of the spinal canal are herniated intervertebral discs, hypertrophy of the yellow ligament, intervertebral joints, Forestier and Bekhterev’s disease, insertion of metal structures into the spinal lumen (radicular or vertebral, otherwise it is called “steel” stenosis), scars and adhesions after operations …

The main symptoms: severe pain in the lumbar region, in the legs, problems with the functioning of the pelvic organs, impaired sensitivity of the lower extremities, intermittent claudication of a neurogenic nature.

Trachea – narrowing of the airways, as a result of which air permeability is impaired. It can be congenital (the presence of pathologies of the respiratory tract) or acquired (occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane due to improper intubation through the larynx or prolonged intubation – the introduction of a special tube to expand the narrowings). Tracheal stenosis is characterized by heavy, hissing, noisy breathing.
Larynx – reduction in width or closure of its lumen. Acute and chronic stenosis are distinguished.
In acute stenosis of the larynx, the cavity decreases very quickly and abruptly, sometimes in a couple of hours. The reasons may be the hit of a third-party object, mechanical, chemical or thermal injuries, croup (false and true), acute laryngotracheobronchitis, laryngitis (phlegmonous).

For chronic stenosis of the larynx, a slow but persistent narrowing of the larynx cavity is characteristic, which occurs due to syphilis, diphtheria, scleroma, tumor, traumatic changes in the larynx in the presence of scars. However, chronic stenosis can develop into an acute one with inflammatory processes, trauma, and hemorrhage.

Symptoms depend on the stage of narrowing of the larynx: at the first stage, there is a violation of breathing, the presence of pauses between inhalation and exhalation, a hoarse and hoarse voice, stenotic noise is heard; in the second stage, oxygen starvation is visible with the naked eye, the skin becomes cyanotic, the strength of shortness of breath increases, the patient has cold sweat, his condition and mood are not stable, the breathing noise becomes stronger, breathing becomes more frequent; the third stage – the stage of suffocation (asphyxiation) – breathing becomes shallow, weak, the patient becomes white like a wall, the pupils are dilated, loss of consciousness, involuntary urination or involuntary release of feces may occur.

Craniostenosis (similar to the Greek “skull” and “narrowing”) is a reduced volume of the cranial cavity (the cranial sutures are closed at a very early age due to which the skull becomes limited and deformed).
The main symptoms are: increased intracranial pressure, constant dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, mental disorders, seizures, mental development problems are possible. The types of craniostenosis depend on the shape of the deformed skull. More noticeable deformities of the skull during the fusion of the cranial sutures in the womb. If the sutures are closed after birth, the defects are less pronounced.

Arteries – a narrowed passage of the blood channel due to the formed atherosclerotic plaques (reduction of blood vessels due to various deposits on their walls). Pressure surges, impaired blood circulation in the body are symptoms of stenosis. When a blood clot is torn off, an ischemic stroke may occur. Arterial stenosis is often a manifestation of atherosclerosis. Reasons: improper lifestyle, high cholesterol levels, sedentary lifestyle.
Aortic stenosis is the process of fusion of the aortic valve leaflets. It occurs with age-related calcification of the 3-leafed aortic valve or 2-leafed congenital valve, it is a secondary disease in chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, Paget’s disease, rheumatic fever, carcinoid syndrome. Aortic stenosis is a common heart disease.
Mitral valve is an acquired heart disease in which the left atrioventricular opening is narrowed. It occurs due to the transferred rheumatism, infectious diseases (endocarditis of an infectious nature), heart injuries. With mitral stenosis, due to narrowing of the atrioventricular opening, the pressure in the left atrium increases (blood does not have time to pump out), therefore, shortness of breath appears at the slightest physical exertion, cyanosis (blush) of the cheeks, ears, chin, nose with severe pallor (this phenomenon is not called healthy blush).
Exit from the stomach – narrowing of the passage of the pylorus or duodenum. Allocate organic (the lumen narrowed due to scarring of ulcers) or functional stenosis (narrowing occurs due to spasm of the muscles of the duodenum or pylorus, with edema of their walls).

The main reason is a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Symptoms: decreased appetite, imbalance of electrolytes (calcium, chlorine, potassium), severe thirst due to a large loss of fluid during vomiting, frequent regurgitation, belching with a taste of a rotten egg.

Useful foods for stenosis

For any type of stenosis, healthy, fresh, home-made food is beneficial. Preference is given to soups, broths, liquid porridges, natural juices, vegetables, fruits, herbs, homemade and grown dairy products.

The body must receive the required amount of all vitamins and minerals, even if it is impossible to eat. In this case, the probing method is used through which the patient is fed.

Meals should be balanced and regular.

Traditional medicine for stenosis:

  • Stenosis of blood vessels (arteries) – buy in the pharmacy tinctures of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, peony on alcohol, “Corvalola”, mix everything in one bottle. Drink 1 teaspoon at lunchtime and in the evening. Dilute in a third of a glass of water.

Also, a contrast shower is a good way to dilate blood vessels.

Thrombosis is often a consequence of arterial stenosis. To get rid of it, you need to mix 200 milliliters of honey (only May) with a glass of chopped white onions, leave to infuse for a week at normal room temperature, then place the mixture in the refrigerator and leave there for another 14 days. There are 3 tablespoons per day (1 spoon of the mixture is needed for 1 intake) 20-30 minutes before meals for 2 months.

With stenosis of the gatekeeper, if heartburn is tormented, it is necessary to drink a decoction from the mother-and-stepmother. For 200 milliliters of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of chopped and dry herbs is needed. Infuse for 20 minutes, then filter. Drink half a glass of infusion for heartburn.
If you suffer from severe belching, you need to drink a glass of goat’s milk after each main (non-snack) meal during the quarter.

With stenosis of the artery, in order to cure the heart, it is necessary to eat hawthorn jam, which is prepared as follows: pour the harvested berries overnight, drain the water in the morning, pound in a bowl, then sprinkle heavily with sugar, boil over the fire for 5 minutes. It is necessary to eat jam on an empty stomach for 7 days in a teaspoon.
Spinal stenosis is treated with massage, herbal baths, and physical education.
It should be noted that it is not possible to completely cure stenosis with folk remedies. They will be effective for mild illness, not neglected condition.

The main method of treatment for any type of stenosis is surgery, after which, to maintain and increase immunity, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes.

Dangerous and harmful foods for stenosis

  • food products with additives, carcinogens, E codes;
    alcoholic beverages;
    moldy food;
    excessively salty, fatty, spicy foods.

All these products provoke the growth of cancer cells, blood clots, heart disease, stomach, bones.


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