Stem cells will repair joints. A landmark operation in Gdańsk

The clinic in Gdańsk is the first in Poland and one of the few in Europe to perform joint regeneration by “giving” stem cells to the patient. What does this procedure look like?

The Orthos Clinic team performed the procedure using the Q-graft stem cell separator. – We are very happy that the method is now available to patients in Poland. Medicine is looking for newer and newer solutions to bring relief to suffering patients. Of course, experience and long-term observation of the effects will be of key importance, but even several years of active life for patients with degeneration of joints is worth its weight in gold – says Marek Krzemiński, MD, PhD, an expert who cooperates with the Gdańsk clinic.

Therapy with the use of stem cells gives the possibility of causal treatment, and not symptomatic treatment, where mainly symptoms were treated (rehabilitation, pharmacotherapy, and finally replacement of the joint with an artificial one).

For the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to obtain as many undamaged single cells as possible from adipose tissue – which largely depends on the method of their collection. The newest and most effective method is liposuction using the minimally invasive Body Jet Evo device.

In combination with Q-graft, a closed system for the collection and separation of stem cells is created, which allows for the high-quality process of obtaining stem cells – from the moment of fat collection to obtaining a suspension.

The stem cells collected in this way are characterized not only by high quality, but – what is important – much more of them than in the case of other methods.

The closed Body Jet Evo + Q-graft system enables the patient to administer stem cells within an hour from the moment of fat collection.

A cell with great power

Stem cells are used in the treatment of damaged tendons, articular cartilage and in the case of early deforming-degenerative changes in joints. Their administration improves the mobility of the joint in the patient, reduces pain, and the process of joint damage is significantly slowed down.

When reconstructing ligaments or tendons, stem cells are applied directly to the site of damage, which leads to the formation of healthy tissue. However, if the joint is completely damaged, the treatment will not be effective, so time is of the utmost importance.

Stem cells are successfully used in the “repair” of bone fractures and pseudo-joints – after implanting them inside the damage in long bones, their full and much faster regeneration was observed. Promising results are also obtained in the treatment of diabetic foot, skin ulcers and wounds that are difficult to heal.

– If someone is considering a stem cell implantation procedure, they should carefully check which procedure is being decided, where and what will be taken. Another method in regenerative orthopedics is the extraction of platelets from plasma, incorrectly called stem cells. Platelet-rich plasma, according to conducted studies, works in the early inflammatory stage, up to 90 days after the damaging factor – so its action in more advanced and long-lasting changes may not be effective – warns Dr. Krzemiński.

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