Hothouse or steam champignons (Agaricus cappellianus) belong to the genus of agaric mushrooms. They are quite popular among s due to their excellent taste, aroma and wide use in cooking for preparing various dishes.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

What does greenhouse champignon look like

Greenhouse mushrooms have a red-brown cap, which has infrequent scales. Its diameter varies depending on age – 3-10 cm. There are remains of a bedspread on the edges. Around the cap there is a thick sagging ring in one row.

The legs are white, go deep into the substrate. They are smooth, almost the same thickness along the entire length. Only at the base there is a small indentation. The height of the legs is within 10 cm. At first, the fibers are visible on them, later the surface is smoothed out.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

Greenhouse champignon – an edible mushroom, belongs to the third category. It differs in fragrant pulp (smells like chicory) of white color with a subtle mushroom aroma. If it is damaged or cut, then reddishness appears. Plates are located under the cap. When the mushroom is young, they are reddish-pink. With age, their surface becomes brown.

The spores of the fruiting body are chocolate-colored, the same color is inherent in the spore powder.

Where does champignon grow

Hothouse or steam champignon prefers mixed forests, meadows, pastures and gardens. In a word, soils rich in humus. After all, forest fruits are inherently saprophytes. They can be specially grown in greenhouses. Fruiting begins at the end of June and continues into July.

If we talk about territorial pretensions, then you can meet greenhouse mushrooms in almost all regions of Our Country, except for the north.

Important! Fruiting bodies grown in greenhouse conditions do not differ in taste and useful properties from those that developed in natural conditions.

Is it possible to eat greenhouse champignon

Greenhouse champignons are mushrooms of the third category of edibility. They have a peculiar taste, a pleasant mushroom aroma with a hint of chicory. Culinary uses are varied. Hats and legs can be fried, stewed, boiled, salted and marinated.

Thermal treatment of greenhouse champignons is not contraindicated, it does not change the appearance and taste of fruiting bodies. Each hostess, depending on her culinary capabilities, can cook many delicious dishes.

False doubles

Greenhouse champignons, due to their special aroma, cannot be confused with other members of the family. Among the huge number of mushrooms there are false ones, the pulp of which is filled with poison. They are hazardous to health. Sometimes even experienced mushroom pickers cannot distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms.

To do this, you need to know some features to distinguish:

  • poisonous champignon;
  • pale grebe;
  • light fly agaric;
  • champignon motley and yellow-skinned.

All these mushrooms are inedible, toxic, dangerous to health.

Champignon flat cap

This representative of the family has a clearly visible brown spot on the hat at the very top of the head. When pressed, it turns light yellow. The entire surface is covered with scales.

But this is not enough, there are still signs that will help you pick the right mushrooms:

  1. False champignons, unlike edible representatives, smell disgusting, as soon as they are broken. The smell of carbolic acid, chemistry or pharmacy, few people will find it pleasant.
  2. When broken, the flesh turns yellow.
  3. When false twins fall into hot water, they turn bright yellow for a moment.

This species appears closer to autumn, often grows near human habitation. The mushroom is poisonous, the symptoms of poisoning become noticeable 1-2 hours after eating.

Comment! No matter how much poisonous mushrooms are cooked, toxins still remain.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

champignon motley

This member of the family has a long thin leg, which becomes dark with age. The mushroom smells sour, a brown spot appears on the cut. Kind of poisonous.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

Champignon yellowskin

This mushroom is also toxic. It can be distinguished by the absence of scales on the cap and the double ring on the leg.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

Death cap

This poisonous mushroom looks like a greenhouse champignon. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know the differences:

  1. The flesh of the pale grebe is completely without the characteristic champignon smell.
  2. The poisonous double has sacs at the roots, you need to pay attention to them.
  3. The flesh on the break, as well as in the process of cooking, turns yellow.
  4. Greenhouse grebes are especially similar to champignons. In the future, it is difficult to confuse them, since the scales disappear on the hat, and the fringe sags.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

white fly agaric

Only an inexperienced mushroom picker can put a fly agaric in a basket. But a sharp unpleasant stench should stop him. White fly agarics should not be eaten, since it is difficult to save a person after poisoning.

Steam champignon (greenhouse): edibility, description and photo

Rules for collection and use

Collect greenhouse champignons carefully so as not to damage the mycelium. It is best to use a sharp knife for cutting. But if it was not at hand, you can unscrew the leg from the ground.

The collected fruiting bodies must be poured with cold water and soaked for four hours, laying them with plates down. During this time, all the grains of sand will sink to the bottom. It remains to rinse each mushroom in two more waters, and then use it at your discretion.


Greenhouse or steam champignons are excellent raw materials for preparing various dishes and preparations for the winter. In cold weather, you can use salted, dried, pickled fruits for salads, soups, which the household will eat with pleasure.

How to distinguish champignon mushroom from pale toadstool.

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