Stay ahead of the heart attack!

What to do to protect yourself and your loved ones from a heart attack and stroke? How to recognize the danger? What to do in the event of an attack?

World Heart Federations and experts from around the world have set priorities for the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease. Four basic ones have been developed

rules, the observance of which minimizes the occurrence of heart disease:

1. Stop smoking at home – out of concern for the health of our loved ones, we should avoid situations in which they become passive smokers through addiction

2. Using healthy products and following a diet – start the day with tasty fruit and make sure that the dinner includes a portion of healthy vegetables. We should prepare lunch ourselves and take it with us to work.

3. Physical activity – limit the time spent in front of the TV set to a maximum of two hours a day. Better to spend this time with your family outdoors. Whenever possible, let’s give up driving in favor of a bicycle or a walk.

4. Check-ups – regular checks of cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels can detect cardiovascular diseases at an early stage and prevent their development.

More than 70 percent of heart attacks and strokes occur in a home setting, where a family member is present and available to help the victim.

Signs that signal the possibility of a heart attack:

• pressure or pain in the chest

• pressure or pain radiating to other parts of the upper body, such as the arms, back, neck, stomach or jaw

• shortness of breath which may not necessarily be accompanied by chest discomfort,

Other symptoms include: unexplained weakness or tiredness, restlessness, strange nervous pains, indigestion, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting.

Symptoms of the possibility of an ischemic stroke:

• sudden weakness in a part of the face, arms or legs, more often affecting only one side of the body,

• sudden problems with speaking or understanding speech,

• sudden vision problems – in one or both eyes at the same time,

• problems with movement, dizziness, loss of balance and coordination,

• sudden severe headache for no reason.

In the event of any of the symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease include:

•high blood pressure


• high cholesterol


• low physical activity


Press materials of the World Heart Day 2011, (provided by BCMFD)

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