Statistical functions in Excel

This section provides an overview of some of Excel’s most useful statistical functions.


Function AVERAGE (AVERAGE) is used to calculate the arithmetic average. Arguments can be given, for example, as a reference to a range of cells.


To calculate the arithmetic mean of cells that meet a given criterion, use the function HEARTLESS (AVERAGEIF). Here is how, for example, you can calculate the arithmetic mean of all cells in a range A1:O1, whose value is not equal to zero (0).

Statistical functions in Excel

Note: Sign means NOT EQUAL. Function HEARTLESS very similar to function SUMMESLI.


Using functions MEDIAN (MEDIAN) you can define the median (middle) of a set of numbers.

Statistical functions in Excel


Statistical functions in Excel


Function FASHION (MODE) finds the most frequently occurring number in a set of numbers.

Statistical functions in Excel

Standard deviation

To calculate the standard deviation, use the function STDEV (STDEV).

Statistical functions in Excel


Using functions MIN (MIN) you can find the minimum value from a set of numbers.

Statistical functions in Excel


Using functions MAX (MAX) you can find the maximum value from a set of numbers.

Statistical functions in Excel


Here’s how using the function LARGE (LARGE) you can find the third largest value from a set of numbers.

Statistical functions in Excel


Statistical functions in Excel


Here’s how to find the second smallest value using the function LEAST (SMALL).

Statistical functions in Excel


Statistical functions in Excel

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