
The problem of elevated cholesterol is, on the one hand, a common phenomenon, on the other hand, it can be a serious threat to health and life. It is therefore worth undergoing regular checks in this regard. However, if the test results indicate an abnormal level of total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol in the blood – the so-called bad, you should be interested in lowering it, which can be helped by taking statins. What are statins and how do they lower cholesterol?
High cholesterol is a problem
An increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood can mean a serious problem in the functioning of your body. Sometimes it indicates problems with circulation, other times it indicates progressive atherosclerosis, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Therefore, diagnostics showing in black and white exceeding the norms in this area should lead to a change in lifestyle, followed by rational nutrition and cyclical physical activity. Sometimes you also need help with cholesterol medications. These include statins, which lower blood cholesterol. Some are available without a prescription – people who do not struggle with other problems, such as high blood pressure, can reach for them. Then the above-mentioned medications, exercise, and introduction of a diet will be sufficient. Often, however, such action is insufficient, because the problem has developed too much and the abnormal cholesterol level persists for a long time. In this situation, the doctor prescribes prescription statins. They are administered in microdoses to people after heart attacks, strokes or kidney damage.
Cholesterol statins? How do they work?
The said miraculous properties of statins are documented by various medical sources. Their action is based on blocking the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol with proteins, which results in the inhibition of cholesterol production in the liver. Additionally, statins redirect bad LDL to the liver, where it is excreted. Clinical studies clearly confirm that the mechanism of action of statins reduces the production of LDL, while increasing the concentration of HDL – the so-called. good cholesterol.
Cholesterol drugs – statin tablets
Statins – commonly associated as cholesterol pills, reveal their health-promoting effects on many levels. The general claim that they lower blood cholesterol levels translates into measurable effects in the functioning of the body. Well, their consumption effectively inhibits the process of developing atherosclerotic plaque, resulting in atherosclerosis. Diabetic patients taking statins enjoy a reduced risk of cardiovascular complications. Those at risk of gallstones may count on a decrease in the possibility of stone formation, which in the long term means the need to remove the gallbladder. Unfortunately, taking statins can also result in undesirable symptoms: headaches, joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, allergic symptoms. Such ailments appear with long-term use and the consumption of multiple doses. This justifies e.g. the fact that the doctor decides to order the patient to take statins only when other methods of treatment have proved ineffective. An obvious contraindication is pregnancy, liver disease, breastfeeding, taking antibiotics or antifungal drugs.
Over-the-counter cholesterol medications? Healthy cuisine and exercise!
Elevated cholesterol levels should oblige you to stock up on products rich in fiber (whole grains, vegetables, fruits). It is also necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats (butter, fatty meats, bacon, lard). You can replace them with vegetable fats – rapeseed oil, sunflower oil with olive oil. Cooking methods should also be modified, giving up frying in favor of boiling, stewing, baking in foil. So get moving – go for a run, go to the pool, get on your bike!