Growing statice from seeds at home is the most popular way to propagate this crop. Other methods often cause many difficulties associated with the sensitive root system of the plant. Seeds for growing seedlings can be collected independently at a certain time, or purchased in specialized stores.

Features of growing statice from seeds

Statica (kermek): growing seedlings, terms and rules for planting seeds

Statica (kermek) – an amazingly beautiful plant with small flowers

Statica or Kermek (another name for limonium) is a plant from the Pigidae family. Representatives are found on almost all continents, growing mainly on saline soils. They are perennials, some varieties are classified as herbs, the rest as shrubs. The leaf plate is very large, but located close to the soil. Inflorescences are collected in panicles, flowers are small, yellow, burgundy or pink.

Important! The root system of statice contains special substances – tannins, which are used to make leather products. Some plant species are suitable for the production of carpet and leather dyes.

Recently, interest in this culture has increased significantly. This is due to the decorative properties of the plant and the use of static in landscape design. Therefore, there are many new hybrid varieties.

Static has great stamina. Due to the long root system in the form of a rod, the plant develops well in any difficult conditions. Therefore, growing a Kermek (limonium) culture from seeds will not require much trouble. Little skills are needed to correctly select the sowing period, prepare the soil and planting material. In addition, it is important to choose the right place for growth for the statice so that it can develop comfortably. In its natural habitat, the plant inhabits the shores of the seas and rivers, so it is not afraid of well-ventilated areas. The soil should have a crumbly structure. Excessive moisture does not stagnate in such soil and there is good air circulation.

Planting statice for seedlings

Seedlings are often purchased in stores, and experienced gardeners grow kermek from seeds on their own. The process will require the implementation of certain rules: the preparation of planting material, soil, containers for seedlings, as well as compliance with other important nuances. Such preparations for growing seedlings will help the proper growth and development of the plant.

When to plant statice for seedlings

Sowing statice for seedlings should be done only after proper preparation. The best period is the beginning of March. In this case, by the time the seedlings are planted in open ground, the seedlings will be quite strong and prepared. The appearance of the first shoots can be expected in 5 days.

Statica (kermek): growing seedlings, terms and rules for planting seeds

In nature, statice likes to grow on loose, sandy soils.

Advice! If the gardener wants to get a beautiful ornamental plant, proper care will be required. Then the shrub grows up to 1,5 m with straight leaves collected near the ground in a rosette. Flowering is abundant and occurs in July.

Preparation of containers and soil

To sow statice seeds for seedlings, you will need a universal soil mixture, which is purchased in stores. But many gardeners prefer to prepare the soil with their own hands, believing that special soil is required for this crop. To do this, sand is added to it, the resulting mixture is carefully sifted, and then it is calcined in the oven for an hour at a temperature of at least 100 ° C. After that, the soil must be moistened.

Planting statice for seedlings with the help of seeds should be in separate containers, which must be treated with a solution of manganese. The most suitable dishes are disposable cups, including peat ones.

Seed preparation

Proper preparation of planting material in order to obtain healthy seedlings is a very interesting process. The seeds of statice are covered with a certain film, which makes germination long. It is not advised to clean it. Therefore, many use the following trick. Using a rough file or sandpaper, you should slightly process the bow. This procedure is called stratification. It greatly facilitates the germination process. After that, the prepared seeds should be immersed for a couple of hours in Epin’s solution or for several days in wet sawdust. Then the planting material can be considered ready for sowing.

How to sow statice for landing

First of all, the soil prepared in advance must be decomposed into containers. Then add one grain to each glass without deepening them. A thin layer of soil is applied on top of the seeds. After the procedure is completed, the containers are covered with plastic wrap. Keep them in a warm room. Under these conditions, seedlings will appear fairly quickly.

How to grow seedlings of statice from seeds

After planting limonium for seedlings and the appearance of the first shoots, the plants will require careful care with the obligatory implementation of certain rules. They are no different from caring for other types of seedlings. Plants will need watering, ventilation, hardening, loosening the soil.


Statica (kermek): growing seedlings, terms and rules for planting seeds

The first shoots of statice require watering, a certain temperature in the room and moderate humidity.

Growing a limonium flower from seeds requires a suitable microclimate for seedlings. It is advisable to keep seedlings in a warm room at a temperature of 16 to 22 ° C. Humidity should be 50-60%. With this mode, the seedlings will be strong and healthy by the time of planting, with several full-fledged leaves.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

The soil should not be allowed to dry out. Seedlings need to be irrigated daily with a spray bottle. As for dressings, frequent application is not required. If the seedlings are weakened, then experts recommend liquid solutions, Fertik complex fertilizer. As a rule, at the first stage of development, seedlings have enough nutrients from the soil.


Growing from seeds of many types of statice, including Suvorov’s limonium, requires diving. However, for many gardeners, this issue is controversial. But if the seedlings sprouted too often, then the root system was tightly intertwined with each other. Transplanting into the ground in this case will be much more difficult. They need to be planted out as the plants lack nutrition, sunlight and cramped space. A pick is made when 3 leaves have formed on the seedlings.

The dive algorithm is as follows:

  • a few hours before the procedure, you need to water the containers with seedlings;
  • fill new containers with soil;
  • remove seedlings and place in new containers;
  • water, leave on the sunny side of the room.

During this period, the seedlings will need a sufficient amount of light, otherwise, they will be very weak.


From mid-April, you can begin to harden seedlings. To do this, the container with seedlings must be taken out into the street daily, increasing the time spent in the air. By the time the seedlings can be transplanted into the ground, they will be quite ready for this.

Transplant into the ground

Statica (kermek): growing seedlings, terms and rules for planting seeds

Many appreciate statica for bouquets in combination with other dried flowers.

It is impossible to delay transplanting into open ground, since the statice is characterized by the rapid development of the root system. It is recommended to disembark after establishing constant positive air temperatures. In the weather conditions of central Our Country, the end of May is suitable for this. For statice, you need a sunny place with loose, drained soil. The interval between seedlings should be 30 cm.

Attention! Kermek grows well and develops in the open field, without requiring constant attention. The plant will need watering if the leaf plates lose turgor and periodic loosening of the soil.

When and how to collect statice seeds

The seeds of statice are very small, oblong in shape. They are collected in July. It is during this period that the fruits begin to form, in which the seeds are located. Place them in a tightly closed container and store until spring.


Growing statice from seeds at home is not a particularly difficult task, but it requires certain knowledge, experience and time. All efforts to grow seedlings are more than compensated after planting the plant in open ground, since limonium is unpretentious. All the numerous varieties are distinguished by their beauty and are able to decorate any site.


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